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City Council Meeting 06/29/2006
Auburn City Council
Meeting #33
June 29, 2006

Roll Call – Councilor Graney-absent, Councilors McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – Present.

Staff Members Present –John Salomone, City Manager; Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel; Lisa Green, Comptroller; Gary Giannotta, Police Chief, Bill Lupien, Superintendent of Engineering Services, Frank DeOrio, Director of Municipal Utilities, Mike Long, CIP Manager.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.   

The Mayor asked for a moment of silence.  

Presentations and Proclamations –
Mayor Lattimore introduced C. J. Carr a local student that is going to the National Junior Leaders Conference.  He is raising the money to go and looking for help.  He is also performing the Merry Go Round Theater production of The King and I.  He introduced his dad, Brian.

Public Announcements – The Clerk read.

City Manager’s Report
The City Manager reported the following:
§       Reported on the status of the State Legislature’s plans for phase one of an early retirement.
§       Reorganization subcommittees have been formed.  Public Safety is in progress.
§       Auburn’s Fire Department has been asked to provide mutual aid to the Binghamton Area.
§       Off street parking issue restrictions have been identified and improvements are being looked at.
§       The use and placement of “sandwich boards” for downtown businesses has been brought up by the Downtown Bid.  Nancy Hussey is addressing it.

Mayor Lattimore wished Chris Buscher well. Mr. Buscher is leaving as the Executive Director of the United Way in Cayuga County.

Councilor Smith commented that he would like to see all Council involved in each discussion of reorganization.  He also commented on zoning and planning issues for small businesses in the City.  He would talk to Nancy Hussey and the City Manager about it.

Work Session
Seth Kaeuper of O. M. Popli Engineers – Update on the Connector Road.
Mr. Kaeuper used a power point presentation and a handout to review the history, progress and future plans for the Connector Rd.  Council discussed.

OWL Presentation – Alan Kowalski.  
Mr. Kowalski discussed the current decline in water quality and status of Owasco Lake, pubic health issues, property value issues, challenges the local economy faces, watershed management needs, and what Council and citizens can do to help.

Public to be Heard
Mary McLaughlin, President of COCAP a developer and property owner on the new Connector Rd.  Ms. McLaughlin complimented the city on the work done to date on the road.  She assured the City they would work to bring a project to the area that could bring in $2 million in new tax revenue.  She thanked John Salomone and Popli for the work done.

Carl Griffin 9 Caitlyn St Auburn, spoke to Council to oppose the casino.

Mary Lou Picciano, 32 Cayuga St., asked Corporation Counsel to accept a Freedom of Information Request regarding witness statements take the night in 2004 that Mayor Lattimore and Councilor Dempsey had a fight.

Jerry Morgan, 32 Pulaski St., talked about a tax rate for the hospital.  He suggested it be put on the November ballot.

Mark Kubarek, 7426 State St. Rd.  and owner of K&S Carwash in Auburn commented on the problem Mark Locastro is having with putting in a driveway at his new business, Poppy’s Ice Cream.  He stated that the Planning Office does no good for businesses in Auburn and they are not user friendly.

Earl Starring,5 McConnell Ave., spoke in opposition to the Casino.

Mark Locastro, 20 Mattie St. thanked Mr. Kuberek, the City Manager and Nancy Hussey for their support.

Other Business

Award Resolution #146 of 2006 authorizing award to Industrial Furnace Company, Inc. (IFCO), of Rochester, New York for their proposal to design/build Bypass Damper for City’s Sludge Incinerator. Vote: Councilor Graney – absent , McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Land Sale Resolution #147 of 2006 authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary for the sale of 89 – 91 Owasco Street to Anthony Maccarino, 10 Claremont Drive, Mastic Beach, New York 11951. . Vote: Councilor Graney – absent , McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Change Order Resolution #148 of 2006 directing the Mayor to enter into Change Order #4 with C. O. Falter, Inc., of Syracuse, New York for all labor, equipment and materials necessary to perform the modifications to the three separate water filters at the City of Auburn’s Treatment Plant as a result of the water emergency of August 2005. . Vote: Councilor Graney – absent , McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Sewer-Water Repair/Replacement Resolution #149 of 2006 authorizing financing for the repair/replacement of a sewer line on the Sewer-Water Repair/Replacement Program. . Vote: Councilor Graney – absent , McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution #150 of 2006 authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Assistant Fire chief Terry Winslow for appointment to the position of Interim Fire Chief. . Vote: Councilor Graney – absent , McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution #151 of 2006 authorizing the City Manger to promote one individual to the provisional position of Maintenance Mechanic at the Water Filtration Plant. . Vote: Councilor Graney – absent , Councilor McNabb - no, Councilors Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Council Resolution # 152 of 2006 authorizing the Mayor to make application for a particular New York State Energy and Research Development Authority grant. . Vote: Councilor Graney – absent , McNabb, Smith, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore, aye.  CARRIED.

Mayor Lattimore asked Corporation Counsel if Mr. Picciano was entitled to the FOIL requested that she submitted.  Mr. Leone indicated that she was if the case was not still open.

Councilor Dempsey commented on Chief Quill’s retirement party that was held the previous evening.

Executive Session at 9:10pm and returned at 9:50PM.  

Council adjourned at 9:52PM.