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City Council Oath Ceremony - 1/1/2006
Auburn City Council
Meeting #1
Oath Ceremony
Sunday, January 1, 2006

Ringing of Old Wheeler

Roll Call – Mayor Lattimore, Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Present.

Staff Members Present –Thomas Leone, Acting City Manager and Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Lisa Green, Comptroller; Steve Lynch, Director of Development; William Lupien Engineering Services Superintendent, Frank DeOrio, Director of Municipal Services, Fire Chief Mike Quill, Gerry DelFavero, Superintendent of Public Works, Mike Long, CIP Manager, Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Caitlyn and Brittany Towle, Kara, Matthew and Patrick Mahunik, Karl and Martin Casper, Billy and Andrew Graney led the pledge.

Invocation – Frederick Smith, Father of Councilor-Elect Matthew Smith gave the invocation.

Military Prayer – Nicholas C. Valenti, Director of the Cayuga County Veterans Service Agency read a military prayer.

Remarks of Out Going Councilors – Councilor Jacobs and Hunter each made brief comments about their term and wished the new Councilors well.

Presentations – Mayor Lattimore presented Councilors Hunter and Jacobs each with a framed print of Auburn’s downtown area painted by local artist Tom Hussey.

The City Clerk read the Certificate of Elections that was sent to her office by the Cayuga County Board of Elections.

Oaths of Office
Elizabeth (Betty) Graney, Mother of Councilor William Graney administered the oath of office to her son.  Mr. Graney’s wife and sons joined them.

City Court Judge Michael McKeon administered the oath of office to Councilor Matthew Smith.  Mr. Smith’s mother, Carol Smith joined him.

The Mayor asked the Clerk to call the roll for the new 2006 City Council.

Councilors Smith and Graney each spoke, thanking their families, and expressing appreciation to be serving the citizens of Auburn.

Father James Enright gave the benediction.

Adjournment – Mayor Lattimore called for adjournment, all were in favor.  The meeting ended at 12:35 PM.