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City Council Meeting - 09/29/2005
Auburn City Council
Meeting #42
Thursday September 29, 2005
Regular Business Meeting

Roll Call – Mayor Lattimore, Councilors, Jacobs, McNabb, Dempsey and Hunter; present.

Staff Members Present – Thomas Leone, Acting City Manager, and Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel, Bill Lupien, Superintendent of Engineering Services, Police Chief Gary Giannotta

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  

Presentations and Proclamations
The City Clerk read a proclamation that the Mayor would be presenting this coming weekend at the RISE and RIDE for Breast Cancer.  

Mayor Lattimore congratulated Dr. Joseph Karpinski on being honored at Cayuga Community College where the rotunda was named after him.

Public Announcements – The Clerk read.

City Manager’s Report – None

Public to be Heard –
William F. J. Walsh, Schwartz Towers, spoke to Council about his CB REACT organization.

Anthony Corous (unable to understand pronunciation), Marietta, and local landlord, spoke to Council about his dissatisfaction with the Code Department.  He asked that their honesty be investigated.  

Acting City Manager Tom Leone reported on a meeting he had with community members regarding housing and code issues.  He reported it was a good meeting.

Jerry Morgan, 22 Pulaski St., asked if a crossing guard could be returned to the corner of Pulaski and State St.  Chief Giannotta responded.

Mary Lou Picciano, 32 Cayuga St., spoke about her son and issues she has with the enforcement of the skateboard ordinance.

Valentine Falfoldi, 9 Baker St. spoke to Council about listening to the public.
Report of City Officials –
Councilor Hunter reported he received a parking ticket.  He said that is evidence that the Meter person is not influenced by who you are.

Councilor Hunter asked if Council members were notified about the meeting organized by Councilor Dempsey and held Tuesday with community members regarding housing and code issues.  Council and Mr. Leone discussed the proper policy and procedure regarding such meetings at length.

Presentation of Petitions and Communications – The Clerk read.

Change Order #139 of 2005 authorizing the Mayor to enter into Change Order #2 with Paul F. Vitale, Inc for the 2005 Road Program.  Vote:  Mayor Lattimore, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey, aye. PASSED.

Appointment Resolution # 138 of 2005 appointing Virginia T. Kent 169 Genesee St. to the Auburn Industrial Development Agency.   Vote:  Mayor Lattimore, Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey, aye. PASSED.

Second Public to be Heard –
Art Wenzel, 23 Westlake Ave. asked Council to look at work quality done by contractors on Genesee St.  He pointed out the grass area between the sidewalk and street.
Bill Lupien, Superintendent of Engineering Services responded.

Other Business
Councilor Dempsey asked if the agenda could be amended to include a prayer at the beginning of each meeting.

Councilor Jacobs commented on work done on the Arterial.
Recap – The Clerk read.
Council adjourned at 6:45PM.