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City Council Meeting - 11/17/2005
Auburn City Council
Meeting #49
Thursday November 17, 2005
Council Meeting

Staff Members Present – Thomas Leone, Acting City Manager/ Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel; Mike Long CIP Manager, Lisa Green, Comptroller; Steve Lynch, OPED Director; Gary Giannotta, Police Chief; William Lupien, Superintendent of Engineering Services; Trish Geer, Corporation Counsel Secretary.

 Roll Call – Mayor Lattimore, Councilors McNabb, Dempsey and Hunter; present. Councilor Jacobs absent.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  

Mayor Lattimore asked for a moment of silence.

Presentations and Proclamations – Mayor Lattimore presented Keys to the City to Crystal Purcell and Jennie Haines.  Ms. Purcell and Ms. Haines received the Syracuse 40 under 40 awards at a luncheon earlier in the day.

Mayor Lattimore introduced the BOCES New Visions Students that were attending the Council meeting as part of their assignment.  

Public Announcements – The Clerk read.

City Manager’s Report – None

Presentations of Petitions and Communications – The Clerk read.

Ordinances and Local Laws - None

Public to be Heard –
Barb Batrachian, Franklin St. spoke to Council about Ecotourism and the impact of Auburn’s crow population locally.  She asked the Mayor and Council to do something to stop the annual crow shoot.

Joe Sarnicloa, 14 Shearin St. spoke to Council to encourage support of the opportunities crows represent to tourism.

Rita Sarnicola 14 Shearin St. spoke to Council about the tourism benefits of the crow population.  

Peter Sigona, 46 Clymer St. spoke to Council regarding issues he has with the Code office.  He was recently cited for having cement blocks in the city right of way.  He has removed them, but felt he was singled out because he had a Jerry Morgan campaign sign in his yard.

Jerry Morgan, Pulaski St., spoke to ask again why there is no traffic light at the intersection of State and Pulaski St.  He also commented on crows, the Power Agency, and the Code Office.

Mary Lou Picciano, Cayuga St., spoke to Council about her ongoing complaints directed at the Police Department.

Report of City Officials
Councilor Hunter reported on an article in the League of Cities publication regarding public employee pensions.  He also asked about recent court decisions regarding eminent domain. Corporation Counsel offered to review this issue at another Council Meeting.

Committee Reports – None

Presentation of Petitions and Communications – The Clerk read.

Ordinances  - None

Award Resolution #168 of 2005 authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute a contract with Paragon Environmental Construction, Inc., Cicero, NY for the removal of asbestos-containing materials at 8 Bostwick Avenue, Auburn, NY.  Vote: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, aye. Councilor Jacobs absent. CARRIED

Award Resolution #169 of 2005 authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute Change Order #1 with Trowbridge & Wolf Landscape Architects in the amount of $22,000.00.  Vote: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, aye. Councilor Jacobs absent. CARRIED

Sidewalk Resolution #170 of 2005 authorizing the financing of sidewalks on the 2005 Revolving Loan Sidewalk Program to be charged back to the owner over a five (5) year period and to be charged to Account #HA 5947-440-001. Vote: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor McNabb, Hunter, aye Councilor Dempsey out of room during vote. Councilor Jacobs absent. CARRIED

Council Resolution #171 of 2005 declaring that the City Council of the City of Auburn act as Lead Agency in the SEQRA review concerning Local Law #2 of 2005.  Vote: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, aye. Councilor Jacobs absent. CARRIED

Council Resolution #172 of 2005 directing preparation of a Negative Declaration in compliance with Article 8 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law concerning Local Law #2 of 2005. Vote: Mayor Lattimore, Councilor McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, aye. Councilor Jacobs absent. CARRIED

Local Law  - (FIRST READING)

The City Clerk read Local Law #2 of 2005, authorizing the City of Auburn to make application for redesignation of certain areas within the City of Auburn as an Empire Zone for the record.

Second Public to be Heard - None
Other Business –
Councilor Hunter reported that he visited the Village of Solvay.  He distributed copies of the Village of Solvay’s budget to Council.  He discussed Solvay’s Electric Fund and it’s impact on Solvay’s General Fund.  Mayor Lattimore and Councilor Dempsey joined the discussion.  
Councilor Dempsey asked for an update on the goal setting session schedule.
Mayor Lattimore commented on the article in the paper about former Auburnian Lee Veuerrter’s work with the Environmental Protection Agency and Hurricane Katrina relief.  
Action City Manager Tom Leone reported that Council would adjourn to meet with the Sennett Town Board on December 15th.
Recap – The Clerk read.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:45PM.