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City Council Meeting - 03/24/2005
Auburn City Council
Meeting #12
March 24, 2005
Work Session Meeting

Roll Call – Mayor Lattimore, Councilors Jacobs and McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; present.

Staff Members Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Lisa Green, Comptroller; Gary Giannotta, Police Chief; Mike Quill, Fire Chief, Steve Lynch, Director of Development, William Lupien, Superintendent of Engineering Services, Frank DeOrio, Director of Municipal Utilities, Mike Talbot, Sanitation Supervisor.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  Valerie Clark, 4th Grade Student at Seward School led the pledge.

Presentations and Proclamations – None.

Public Announcements – The Clerk read.

Councilor Jacob announced that the Firefighters Annual Memorial Service would be held at Willard Chapel on Wednesday March 30 at 7PM.

The City Manager reported that the agenda for next week would not go out until Monday.  He also reported that the City’s voicemail system, provided by Verizon is not working and under repair.  

Mayor Lattimore reported that the Easter Egg Hunt would be on Saturday at Hoopes Park and he would be attending.

Presentations of Petitions and Communications – The Clerk read.

Ordinances and Local Laws – The City Clerk read first readings of the following Ordinances:
§       Amended Ordinance #2 of 2005, authorizing amending and restteing Bond Ordinance #2 of 2005.
§       Ordinance #3 of 2005 authorizing an amendment to the City Code Chapter 285-Vehicles and Traffic.
§       Bond Ordinance #4 of 2005 of the City of Auburn authorizing the issuance of $950,000. Serial bonds to finance the 2005-06 Road Improvement Program.

Councilor Jacobs asked that Ordinance #3 be tabled till alternate side parking issues are resolved.

Work Session
Landfill and Collection Options – Mike Talbot and Frank DeOrio present Council with a power point presentation on collection options which included providing property owners with covered trash receptacles to encourage recycling and improve over all collection safety and efficiency.  Council discussed.

Towing Ordinance – Chief Giannotta reviewed the options for this ordinance.  He stated he preferred the tow option to the boot option.  Council agreed overall.  Councilor McNabb asked that liability issues be considered before any decision is made.  Council discussed the dollar threshold that would be in place before this action (towing) would be taken.

City Vehicle Policy – The City Manager reviewed a handout and explained the City’s take home car policy to Council.  Council discussed.  

Public To Be Heard –   
Bill Atkinson, Oakcreek Apt., spoke to Council about Easter.

Peter Kotzer, 18 Perrine St. spoke to Council about parking problems downtown.

Other Business –
Mayor Lattimore reported that he had a case of hydroponic lettuce to share. He commented on the benefits of this production method.

Council voted on Resolution #33 of 2005 changing the time of the March 31st meeting to 4:00 PM.  All were in favor.

Councilor Hunter requested a work session be held to discuss the relationships of Auburn Cayuga Development, Power Innovations and the City’s Power Authority.  He then read an newspaper article regarding the Mayor of Elmira’s resignation due to a conflict of interest.  Council Hunter commented on possible improprieties and legalities.  Mayor Lattimore commented.  Councilor Hunter and the Mayor debated this issue.

The Clerk read the recap.

Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM.