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City Council Meeting - 03/17/2005
Auburn City Council
Meeting # 11
March 17, 2005
Business Meeting

Roll Call – Mayor Lattimore, Councilors Hunter, Dempsey, and McNabb, Present.  Councilor Jacobs, absent.

Staff Members Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Gary Giannotta, Police Chief; Lisa Green, City Comptroller.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  

Presentations and Proclamations –None.

Mayor Lattimore introduced Dr. Richard S. Cahoon.  Dr. Cahoon spoke to Council about his work at Cornell University as Acting Director of Cornell Center for Technology, Enterprise and Commercialization.  Dr. Cahoon explained what his department does and how the City of Auburn and Cornell could mutually benefit.  Council discussed.

Public Announcements – The Clerk read.

City Manager’s Report – None

Public to be Heard – None.

Reports of City Officials
Mayor Lattimore commented on new FCC legislation that came out and urged the Cable Advisory Committee not to make any decision until they have reviewed it.

Mayor Lattimore asked the Comptroller to provide Council with a financial forecast before CSEA contract is final.

Committee Reports – None

Presentations of Petitions and Communications – The Clerk read.

Council agrees by unanimous consent to add item 11E to the agenda.

Ordinances – None

Council Resolution #28 of 2005 authorizing an amendment to the 2004-2005 City of Auburn Operating Budget to include a New York State Education Department Grant.  VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilors McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey aye, Councilor Jacobs, absent.  CARRIED.
Agreement Resolution #29 of 2005 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Cayuga County for use of Pictometry International Air Photos and Software. VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilors McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey aye, Councilor Jacobs, absent.  CARRIED.
Financial Resolution #30 of 2005 authorizing transfer of funds from the Equipment Reserve Account to purchase a Fire Department vehicle. Prior to voting, Mayor asked about the status of the City’s Vehicle policy.  Mr. Leone responded.  VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilors McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey aye, Councilor Jacobs, absent.  CARRIED.
Appointment Resolution #31 of 2005 authorizing appointments to the Historic Resources Review Board. Prior to voting, Mayor Lattimore asked who makes such appointments and are such appointments made with or without Council’s approval.  Mr. Leone leaves Council Chambers to retrieve a copy of the law from his office.  While Mr. Leone is away, Mayor Lattimore asks the City Manager who was out of the room with Mr. Cahoon earlier, to respond to the previous question regarding the City’s’ vehicle policy.  The manager does respond briefly and suggests he review it completely at the next work session meeting.  Councilor Hunter asks if all appointed commissions in the city have bylaws.  The Manager explains.  Mayor Lattimore asked if the Public Power Agency’s bylaws supersede City Council decisions.  The Manager responded no. Council discusses bylaws in general. Mr. Leone returns and reports that the Mayor appoints individuals to commissions and boards with Council approval unless otherwise specified by law such as in the case of the Public Power Authority where the Manager appoints the members with Council approval.  The City Manager points out that a memo recommending the two individuals that is signed by the Mayor accompanies the appointment resolution in question. There is more discussion.  The Mayor asks if there is any other discussion.  There is none. VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, Councilors McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey aye, Councilor Jacobs, absent.  CARRIED.

Local Law - None

Tabled Legislation

Second Public to be Heard – None

 The Mayor comments on the City’s vehicle policy.

Other Business –
The Mayor commented on the $50,000. Grant that is coming to the City from Senator Nozzolio.  The City Manager asked Council for suggestions on what they would like to see done.

Mayor Lattimore commented on the effect losing CDBG funds as proposed in the Presidents budget, would have on the City of Auburn.

Mayor Lattimore discussed his hopes that Hoopes Park could become a revenue source for the city by becoming wireless and possibly having a coffee shop at the clubhouse like Starbucks.  He mentioned using solar panels for energy, and having a corporate sponsor underwrite skating operations to offset expenses.

Councilor Dempsey commented on the Adelphia Public Hearings.  He requested that a third public hearing be scheduled in light of the many signatures on a petition he had heard existed. Council discussed this and several other Adelphia related issues.  Councilor Dempsey asked for an interim report on the status of the advisory committee’s findings.  The City Manager reported that they would be concluding soon and an interim report was not feasible.  Councilor Dempsey questioned the fact that outside attorneys were engaged in work on this Cable issue with out his knowledge.  Council discussed.  The City Manager said he would forward Councilor Dempsey’s request to hold a 3rd hearing to the Cable Advisory Committee.

Meeting adjourned at 7:05PM.