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City Council Meeting - 01/27/2005
Auburn City Council
Meeting #4
January 27, 2005
Work Session Meeting

Roll Call – Mayor Lattimore, present; Councilors Jacobs and McNabb, absent; Councilors Hunter and Dempsey; present.

Staff Members Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Lisa Green, Comptroller; Steve Lynch, Director of Planning, Jenny Haines and Chris DeProspero, Senior Planners.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Presentations and Proclamations
Bob Mount, of Power Innovations introduced his associate, Karen Goodmanson.  Ms. Goodmanson gave a sales presentation to Council regarding services the company could provide the City.  Mr. Mount commented.  The Mayor, Councilor Hunter and Dempsey commented.  John Montone, former chair of the Public Power taskforce commented.  Mayor Lattimore thanked Mr. Montone for his contributions to the Power Taskforce.

The City Manager reported that the City’s Cable Television Advisory Commission is holding public hearings, required as part of their assessment.  The dates and times are:  March 2, at 5:30PM; March 15 at 2 PM; March 22 at 3PM; all meetings will be held in Council Chambers.

Councilor Hunter reported that the Auburn Doubleday’s will hold their Hot Stove Dinner on February 5th at the Sunset.

Mayor Lattimore announced the opening of the Public Hearing on the Community Development Block Grant Action Plan.  He asked anyone that would like to be heard on this topic to come forward.

Toni Daly, 55 Lansing St., Marketing Director for Cayuga Seneca Community Action Agency (CSCAA) and Chairperson of the Homeless Taskforce spoke of the importance of the CDBG funds to the community. She commended Steve Lynch and Jenny Haines on the work they do.  Ms. Daly also thanked the City for the support her agency receives.

Karen Delonte, CSCAA Family Development Director spoke about the families her programs serve and thanked the City for its’ support.  Ms. Delonte introduced Chris Emela, of Auburn who is one of the agency’s clients.  Mr. Emela came forward to explain how CSCAA has helped her and her four children.

Gloria Griffin, Executive Director of CSCAA spoke to support the 2005-06 CDBG Plan.  She thanked City Council for their support.

Mayor Lattimore introduced Jenny Haines, Senior Planner and Coordinator of the CDBG program for the City.  Ms. Haines led Council through a Power Point presentation reviewing the last 10 years of CDBG programs in the City.  

Mayor Lattimore asked if anyone else wanted to be heard on the CDBG Plan.  No one responded.  Mayor Lattimore closed the Public Hearing.

Presentations of Petitions and Communications – The Clerk read.

Ordinances – First Read.  The City Clerk read Bond Ordinance # 2 of 2005 of the City of Auburn, New York authorizing the issuance of the$1,360,000.  serial bonds to finance the cost of various capital projects.

Mayor Lattimore asked that he be given information regarding the City’s debt before voting on this Ordinance at next weeks meeting.

Council moved item 9A from Other Business ahead on the agenda.  Council Resolution #13 of 2005 authorizing preparation of Requests for Proposals for the collection of delinquent Landfill Accounts and Parking Violations.  VOTE: Mayor Lattimore, yes, Councilors Jacobs and McNabb, absent, Councilors Hunter and Dempsey, yes. CARRIED

Public to be Heard – None

Other Business –
Mayor Lattimore introduces Linda Henry, General Manager of Adelphia.  Mr. Henry introduces the Adelphia staff that accompanied her to answer questions from the public.  Ms. Henry updated Council on various program enhancements that are taking place.  Such as Syracuse University Games being broadcast on Channel 6.

Mayor Lattimore invites members of the public to ask questions of Adelphia.  He asked that each speaker keep time to 3 minutes in order to give everyone time to speak.  

Mayor Lattimore started the questioning with several comments and questions about Adelphia’s bankruptcy.

Councilor Dempsey commented.  Mayor Lattimore commented.

Valentine Fafoldi, of Auburn spoke.

Adelphia representatives respond.

Charlie Beck, 4903 Rockefeller Rd. and President of Autech Plastics spoke about his concerns with bandwidth and Internet access issues for businesses.  He also commented on the need for more public access to cable viewers.

Adelphia representatives respond.

Dave Colegrove, representing Auburn Cayuga Development Corporation commented on the need for more cable services for economic development.

Adelphia representatives respond.

Jackie Frost, asked questions and commented on Adelphia infrastructure and franchise agreement transfers.

Adelphia representatives respond.

Dr. Sonny Persaud, Owasco, commented on Adelphia’s programming and requested that he be allowed to broadcast on a channel.

Adelphia representatives respond.

John Hogan, 13 Dexter Ave.  – commented on franchise agreements that have been revoked and systems that have been transferred that he says he knows of.  He questioned Adelphia staff on various technical issues.  

Adelphia representatives respond.

Gloria Griffin, Auburn,  spoke to tell Adelphia representatives of her experience with poor response for service and being put on hold for long periods when calling for service.

Mark Anjowaski, State St. spoke to tell Adelphia he thinks service is sub standard and has switched his Internet service to Verizon DSL.  

John Montone, Auburn, spoke about competition.

Alan Fedyshyn, Ross St. – spoke of the poor choices Adelphia has made referring to the strike that resulted in so many losing jobs.

Other Business

Mayor Lattimore and Tom Leone, Corporation Counsel, discussed the Mayor’s right to respond in writing on issues of City business without consultation or consensus from the City Manager or Council.  

The Clerk read the recap.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35PM.