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City Council Meeting - 08/04/2005
Auburn City Council
Meeting #33
Thursday August 4, 2005
Regular Business Meeting

Roll Call – Mayor Lattimore, Councilors, Jacobs, McNabb, Dempsey and Hunter; present.

Staff Members Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Lisa Green, Comptroller, Police Chief Gary Giannotta

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  

Presentations and Proclamations – The Clerk read.

Public Announcements – The Clerk read.

City Manager’s Report – None

Public to be Heard –
Alicia McKeen, representing Feral Cat Friends reported on recent activities of the group.  Over the past weekend they had spayed, neutered and released 66 stray cats.  She explained the projected number of cats that would be born if these 66 were not taken care of.  She gave the phone number for FCF’s as 252-2406 and the web site address of .  Mayor Lattimore thanked her and the group for their work.  She asked if Council would consider a financial contribution to the organization.

Marylou Picciano, 32 Cayuga St., asked questions about the SRO program in City Schools.  Mr. Leone responded that he would answer her questions in writing.

Carr Magel, 171 Dunning Ave. spoke to Council about his 55 units of rental property and various issues he has had with the Code Enforcement office.

Jay Carone, 10 Fitch Ave., was invited to speak by Mayor Lattimore.  He explained that he moved to Auburn from Boston.  He is a manufacturer’s representative for a semi conductor business.  He has opened a Bed and Breakfast on Fitch Ave and loves Auburn.

Presentation of Petitions and Communications – The Clerk read.

Mayor Lattimore announced that the Cayuga County Power Authority will hold a meeting on August 11, at 4PM and the Auburn Power Agency members are invited to attend.


Financial Resolution #110 of 2005 authorizing amendment to the 2005-2006 Operating Budget for a Job Title Change.  Vote: Mayor Lattimore, Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey, aye.  PASSED.

Council Resolution #111 of 2005 authorizing amendment to the 2005-2006 Budget to include the position of a full time Planning Assistant. Vote: Mayor Lattimore, Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey, aye.  PASSED.

Financial Resolution #112 of 2005 authorizing amendment to the 2004-2005 Operating Budget  Vote: Mayor Lattimore, Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey, aye.  PASSED.

Council Resolution #113 of 2005 directing the Mayor to submit a grant application to the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) for the Natural Gas and Petroleum Exploration and Production for Economic Development PON 904.  Vote: Mayor Lattimore, Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey, aye.  PASSED.

Change Order Resolution #114 of 2005 authorizing the Mayor to execute a Change Order with Industrial Furnace Company (IFCO) of Rochester, New York, to accommodate the switch of the Incinerator Afterburner to Landfill Gas, in an amount not to exceed $33,250.00, to be charged to Account #G 8130.250.  Vote: Mayor Lattimore, Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey, aye.  PASSED.

Sidewalk Resolution #115 of 2005 authorizing the financing of sidewalks on the 2005 Revolving Loan Sidewalk Program, to be charged back to the owner over a five (5) year period and to be charge to Account #HA 5947-440-001. Vote: Mayor Lattimore, Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey, aye.  PASSED.

Second Public to be Heard – None.

Other Business – Councilor McNabb asked that a resolution be presented to Council transferring $3000 to the Feral Cat Friends Committee.

Councilor Hunter asked several questions and commented about feral cats in relation to code issues, and tax delinquencies on Genesee St. and other neighborhoods.  He commented on code issues with multi-family properties.

Councilor Dempsey reported on the recent economic summit at Cayuga Community College.  He announced the next meeting would be August 30th.  He also reported that AIDA met and Dave Colegrove, Director of Auburn Cayuga Development Corporation made a presentation that AIDA will consider.  He reported that Frank DeOrio would be holding a meeting with the Cayuga County Watershed District on August 30th.  

Councilor McNabb asked the City Manager to have Welcome signs at City limits repainted because they are fading.

Council adjourned to executive session at 11:30AM and returned at 12:10PM.

Council adjourned at 12:10 PM.