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City Council Meeting - 9/9/2004
Council Meeting #37 of 2004
September 9, 2004
Work Session Meeting
Memorial City Hall
6:00 PM

Roll Call – Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Mayor Lattimore – Present.

City Staff Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Tom Leone, Corporation Counsel; Police Chief Gary Giannotta; Bea O’Hora, Comptroller; Frank DeOrio, Director of Municipal Utilities

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations - None

Public Announcements – None.

Presentation of Petitions and Communication – None.

Ordinances and Local Laws – None

Work Session -

Police Radio Upgrade
Chief Gary Giannotta discussed the need for an upgrade in the City’s Police radio system.  He reviewed the costs, system options, and grant opportunities.  Council discussed and asked that the Manager and the Chief prepare preliminary numbers to present to Council in 4 weeks.

Water Rates Discussion
The City Manager distributed a Water Fund Budget Summary and Forecast handout that he reviewed with Council.  Frank DeOrio and Bea O’Hora joined the discussion. They reviewed staffing, services, and other expenses related to the Water Department.  They reported that Auburn has 108 mile of water lines, 8300 meters serving 55000 people throughout the county.  A vote on raising the water rate will be held next week.

Public to be Heard –
Janet Patterson, State St. spoke to Council regarding several issues; bottling city water, security cameras in the city, and improvements to State St.

Other Business –
In response to a request at last weeks meeting, the City Manager handed out a summary on the status of various projects such as the Connector Road, West Genesee St. Construction, the State St. Mall, the 2004 Road Program and the Connector Rd.

Councilor Jacobs asked for information on a driveway that is being blacktopped by the city at 214 State St.  

Councilor Jacobs requested a resolution to change the time Council meets to 5:00PM.  Corporation Counsel Tom Leone distributed a prepared Resolution and asked that it be added to this agenda.  All Councilors agreed.  The Mayor asked the Clerk to read the Resolution.

Council Resolution #132 of 2004 authorizing the City Council meetings to commence at 5PM starting on Thursday September 16, 2004.  Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  PASSED

Councilor Jacobs commented on the success of the property auction that was held the previous night.

Councilor Dempsey commented on the AIDA meeting with Ithaca Gun held on Tuesday.

Mayor Lattimore commented on the dedication ceremony for Leo Pinckney held at Falcon Park this week.  The field at the park was dedicated to him and renamed Pinckney Field.

Council adjourned to Executive Session at 8:05PM.  They returned at 8:30PM.

Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM.