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City Council Meeting 03/25/2004
Council Meeting # 13 of 2004
March 25, 2004
Work Session Meeting
6:00 PM

Roll Call – Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Mayor Lattimore – Present.

City Staff – Thomas Leone, Acting City Manager; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel; Daniel Sincebaugh, Deputy City Clerk; Gary Giannotta, Police Chief; Marie Nellenback, City Treasurer; Steve Lynch, Director of Development; Susan Chandler, Assessor; Brian Hicks, Sr. Code Enforcement Officer.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentation and Proclamation – None

Public Announcements – Deputy City Clerk Read

Presentation of Petitions and Communication – None

Ordinances and Local Law – None

Work Session –

Elieen McHugh, Director Cayuga Museum

Mayor Lattimore introduced Donna Lamb, 65 South Street. Ms. Lamb was filling in for Eileen McHugh, Director of the Cayuga Museum. Ms. Lamb gave a hand out to the Mayor and Councilors. She spoke about Auburn’s Historic and Cultural Sites, and the different surveys mentioned in the hand out.

The Mayor and Councilors commented.

Amendment to the Land Sale Policy

Acting City Manager, Tom Leone, spoke about Auburn’s distribution of city-owned land and properties (hand out). Mr. Leone talked about some changes with the land sale auction this year.
1.      Holding a land sale auction every year.
2.      Closing on property with in 45 days.
3.      Buyers putting more money down at day of sale.

The Mayor and Councilors discussed the land sale policy.

Assessor, Sue Chandler, answered the Mayor and Councilors questions about the land sale policy.

Mayor Lattimore spoke about turning 2 family homes back to single-family homes.

Sr. Code Enforcement Officer, Brian Hicks, spoke about the 2000 rental properties in Auburn. He also talked about his office being short one code officer and a part time secretary.

Discussion of Foreclosure Proceeding

City Treasurer, Marie Nellenback, spoke about how the City of Auburn does their foreclosure process.

The Mayor and Councilors discussed the foreclosure process.

Treasurer, Ms. Nellenback, and Acting City Manager, Mr. Leone, answered questions about the foreclosure process.

Director of Development, Steve Lynch, commented on turning 2 family homes back to single-family homes. He also stated that if the city spends more than $5000.00 of federal money they would have to do lead tests.

Building Code Update

Sr. Code Enforcement Officer, Brian Hicks, spoke about the new state laws of issuing a building permit to a contractor. For a contractor to get a building permit it will take at least 1 full day. They need to show proof of NYS Workman’s Compensation.

Assistant Corporation Counsel, Nancy Hussey, spoke about NYS Workman’s Compensation Board. The NYS Workman’s Compensation Board has to approve of the contractor’s workman’s compensation and send it to the City Code Department before Code Department can issue a building permit.

Mayor Lattimore commented on the changed laws of NYS Workman’s Compensation.

Public to be heard –

Mark Miller, 20 N. Hunter - pointed out that Auburn New York made the New York Times newspaper about the crows.

Joe Nash, Cherry St. Rd.- asked council to amend the skateboard ordinance and let children use skateboards for transportation.

No name given - told council that absentee landlords are not helping with the city’s tax base.

Connie Lexton, no address - given spoke about the Parks and Recreation Committee.

Other Business-

Councilor Dempsey spoke about his AIDA meeting this past Tuesday.

Councilor Hunter asked about the demolition delay of the apartment complex on Owasco Street known as “Hollywood Squares”.

Chief Gianotta spoke about traffic concerns with the demolition.

The Mayor commented that he would like to meet with Roy Bernardi of HUD.

Councilor Jacobs commented on meeting with Sherwood Boehlert regarding HUD.

Councilor Dempsey congratulated Tim Pinal on great job. Mr. Pinal was from Australia working as an intern in the Planning Department.

Recap – Deputy City Clerk read

Adjournment- meeting adjourned at 8:05