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City Council Meeting 04/29/2004
Council Meeting #18 of 2004
April 29, 2004
Regular Meeting
Memorial City Hall
6:00 PM

Roll Call – Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Mayor Lattimore - Present.  

City Staff Present –  John Salomone, City Manager; Tom Leone, Corporation Counsel; Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Beatrice O’Hora, Comptroller; Steve Lynch, Planning Director

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Public Announcements – Clerk read.

City Managers Report – None

Public to be Heard –
Shirley Italiano, Washington St. spoke to Council about the gangs in her neighborhood.  She pleaded with the City to help her neighborhood control the streets so she could sit on her porch and feel safe.

The City Manager and the Mayor responded.

Cindy Bishop, Bellevue Place spoke to Council about issues relating to the property next to her ruining her foundation.

Jay Pearson, business owner and resident of State St. spoke council regarding issues with the City’s recreational softball league.

Councilor Jacobs and the Mayor responded.  

Dean Furnia, Auburn Rotary, spoke to Council to report on the upcoming Bicycle Stage Race.  He asked that road conditions be considered and that the Exchange St. Mall be cleaned up for that weekend.  He said approximately 200-250 would attend.

Mandy Phipps, 3 Easterly Place spoke to Council about problems in her neighborhood with landlords and tenants.  

Report of City Officials –

Committee Report – None

Presentation of Petitions and Communication –Ordinances – None


Ordinance #3 of 2004 authorizing amendment to the Code of the City of Auburn at Chapter 265, adding Article X, Exemption for Persons with Disabilities and Limited Incomes.   Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  PASSED

Bond Ordinance #4 of 2004 of the City of Auburn, New York, authorizing the issuance of $950,000 Serial Bonds to finance the cost of the 2004-2005 Road Improvement Program. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  Councilor McNabb, no. PASSED

Bond Ordinance #5 of 2004 of the City of Auburn, New York, authorizing the issuance of $240,000 Serial Bonds to finance the cost of City Sidewalks and Curbs including handicap access curbing. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  PASSED

Resolutions –

Council Resolution #50 of 2004 determining that the proposed actions are Type II Action for purposes for the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act regarding reconstruction and resurfacing the City’s existing streets. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  PASSED

Council Resolution #51 of 2004 determining that the proposed actions are Type II Actions for purposes of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act regarding the reconstruction or construction of replacement sidewalks of brick, stone or concrete and curbs including handicap access curbing. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  PASSED

Appointment Resolution #52 of 2004 authorizing appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  PASSED

Council Resolution #53 of 2004 authorizing the May 13, 2004 City Council meeting to commence at 5:00 P.M.  Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  PASSED

Financial Resolution #54 of 2004 authorizing the City Manager and/or the Comptroller to prepare and seek requests for proposals (RFP’s) for worker’s compensation insurance for the City of Auburn. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  PASSED

Sewer-Water Repair/Replacement Resolution #55 of 2004 authorizing the financing of  water and sewer lines under the Sewer-Water Repair/Replacement Program. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  PASSED

Sidewalk Resolution #56 of 2004 authorizing the financing of sidewalks on the 2003 Revolving Loan Sidewalk Program, to be charged back to the owner over a five (5) year period and to be charged to Account #HA 5497-440-001.  Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Lattimore – aye.  PASSED

Local Law – None.

Tabled Legislation – None

Second Public to be heard – None

Mayor Lattimore asked for a 5 minute recess at 7:45PM.

Council resumed at 7:55PM.

Other Business –  
Budget Discussion – Council discussed the General Government section of the proposed budget. This included:
Mayor and City Council
Commissions and Boards
City Clerk
City Manager
Corporation Counsel
Planning and Economic Development

A planned review of the revenue budget was postponed at the request of Council due to the length of this meeting.  Council unanimously agreed to schedule a budget meeting for May 4, at 5:00PM to discuss the revenue budget.

Councilor Hunter asked for information regarding tractor trailer traffic in the City and the ordinances regarding cutting down trees on city property.

Councilor Jacobs commented on the parking ticket issue in downtown Auburn.  He asked that a meeting be arranged with the City Court Judge to resolve procedure issues with regard to ticket scofflaws.

Mayor Lattimore asked that the Manager review the proposal from Stearns and Wheeler.

Recap – Clerk read.
Council adjourned to executive session at 9:15.  Returning at 10:30PM.

Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 10:30PM.