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City Council Meeting 05/29/2003
May 29, 2003
Budget Work Session MEETING

Roll Call - Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, and Mayor Carnicelli – Present.

City Staff Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Corporation Counsel Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel, City Clerk Debra McCormick; Bea O’Hora, Comptroller; Lisa Green, Assistant Comptroller; Police Chief Gary Giannotta.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations –
Mayor Carnicelli read a memoriam into the minutes in honor of former Police Chief John T. Costello who served the City of Auburn for 37 years.  His family was present to accept.

Mayor Carnicelli asks Council if they would consent to moving the public to be heard forward on the agenda in consideration of the number of people wanting to speak.  All agreed.

Tim Lattimore, 7 Norman Ave. – spoke to ask about the status of meetings with Mr. Kiss regarding the solar panel project.  Mr. Salomone reported that he had met with Mr. Kiss and is looking forward to receiving Mr. Kiss’ business proposal.

Judith Bryant, Auburn – spoke to ask Council to reconsider naming a part of the Arterial in memory of Harriet Tubman.

Dee Dee Johnson, Great great grand niece of Harriet Tubman, resident of 13 Warren St. asked Council if the Connector Road could be named after Ms. Tubman.

Mayor Carnicelli, Councilor Dempsey, and Councilor Jacobs each make a comment.

Mayor Carnicelli officially opens the Public Hearing regarding the proposed 2003-2004 City of Auburn Budget.  She asked if there was anyone at this time wishing to speak regarding the budget.  No one came forward.  Mayor Carnicelli stated that the public hearing would remain open.

Ordinances and Local Laws
Ordinance #9 of 2003 regarding Chapter 285 – Vehicles and Traffic was read by the City Clerk.  Chief Giannotta commented on it.  Councilor Jacobs commented.  Council discussed at length.  This was a first reading.  No vote was taken.

Ordinance #10 of 2003 authorizing the addition to the Code of the City of Auburn regarding false alarm issues was pulled.

Work Session
Budget Discussion

Eileen McHugh, 6 Brister Ave. and Director of the Cayuga Museum spoke to ask Council to restore Arts and Cultural funding.  She urged them to think of this as a quality of life issue.

Donna Lamb, Executive Director of the Schweinfirth Arts Center and resident of 65 South St. spoke in favor of restoring the Arts and Cultural funding.  She gave examples of how city funding helps get other grants.

Judith Trice, 6361 East Lake Rd. and member of the Board of Trustees of the Schwienfirth Arts Center requested that the city restore Arts and Cultural funding.

Joe Leo Grande, Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Commission spoke to Council about funding for parks and recreation.  He mentioned quality of life issues, summer movies, and expansion of the skate board park.

Maxine Alberici, Chair of the Historic Sites Commission asks council to restore funds to the Arts and Cultural Budget.

Tim Lattimore, 7 Norman Ave. spoke about the importance of Arts and Cultural programs in the City.

Mayor Carnicelli passes around a packet of letters for Council to read, that her office has received in support of restoring Arts and Cultural funding.

Mayor Carnicelli discussed the summer movie program and the gift the Auburn Cinefile Society has offered to the city in support of the program.  Mayor Carnicelli asked that the City match that gift.

Mayor Carnicelli asked if anyone else would like to be heard regarding the budget.  No one came forward.  She kept the public hearing open.

The City Manager began the budget discussion by reviewing the bond rating information he had just received from Moody’s.  The city had maintained it’s rating with a negative outlook.  He explained the rating as it related to the fund balance and other positive and negative points Moody’s made about the city’s finances.

Councilor Jacobs and Mayor Carnicelli comment.

Councilor Dempsey asked the Manager to present Council with options outlining the effects of raising taxes 2, 4, 6, and 8%.  He states he could not support an 8.5% increase.

The City Manager reviewed ideas to implement fees for false alarm responses in the city.  He reported that there are over 1000 false alarms a year that city staff responds to.  He explained the danger and expense.  He explained that a fine may deter false alarms.

Council discussed various issues relating to the budget, BID funding, Crossing Guards, tax increases, staffing among others.  

At 9:00PM the video tape ran out and the City Clerk used an audio tape.  

Other Business

Mayor Carnicelli congratulated Bea O’Hora, Comptroller on receiving a Certificate of Achievement from the General Finance Officers Association.

Council agreed to have the written information prepared by Mr. De Orio regarding Bulk Item Pick Up sent with next weeks Council packet for review.

Mayor Carnicelli closed the Public Hearing.

Meeting adjourned at 9:10PM.