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City Council Meeting 07/10/2003
July 10, 2003
Work Session MEETING

Roll Call - Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli present.  

City Staff Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Corporation Counsel Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel, City Clerk Debra McCormick; Fire Chief Michael Quill, many Auburn Fire Department staff.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations – None

Public Announcements – None.

First Reading – Ordinances – The City Clerk read the following into the record:
Ordinance #13 of 2003 authorizing amendment to the Code of the City of Auburn at Chapter 285 – Vehicles and Traffic.

Ordinance #14 of 2003 authorizing an addition of Chapter 227 to the Code of the City of Auburn entitled Private Security Alarm Systems.  

Noting that there were many people attending the meeting that wanted to speak regarding the Adelphia Cable Employees strike, Mayor Carnicelli ask for Council consent to have one representative from the group speak in the beginning of the meeting.  Council agreed.

Alan Fedyshyn, 35 Ross St. Union Representative and Adelphia Employee – spoke to ask for City Council support of Adelphia Employees that are on strike.  

Work Session

Barbara Clary, Town of Owasco Chairperson spoke to Council to ask for the City’s support to get legislation at the State level to reduce truck traffic on roads in towns.  Ms. Clary distributed a hand out that included a draft resolution that she asked Council to adopt.  Mayor Carnicelli asked Corporation Counsel to present a draft to Council in the near future.

Consultant’s Report – Auburn Fire Department
Chief Quill introduced Dr. John Granito of MMA Consulting.  Dr. Granito reviewed recommendations that his firm has made for the Auburn Fire Department.  Chief Quill, Dr. Granito, Council, and the Mayor discussed the recommendations.

Mayor Carnicelli asked for a recess at 7PM.  Mayor Carnicelli asked Councilor McNabb to take over for her because she had to leave.

At 7:10PM Councilor McNabb called the meeting back to order.  

Other Business
Councilor Jacobs asked the City Manager why the lawn at 103 Seymour St. had not been plowed.  

Councilor Dempsey asked for an update on the ice issue at Casey Park.  Mr. Salomone reported that a meeting is scheduled.

Councilor Hunter commented on the ice issue and asked about the lawn on North Fulton St.

Public to be Heard
Richmond Parker, 1 Court St. – spoke to council about insurance rates and the recommendation to reduce the number of fire stations.

Tim Lattimore, 7 Norman Ave. – spoke to Council to comment on the Fire Department report.

Laura Thompson, 67 South St. – spoke to council to support Adelphia Employees and condemn the Adelphia Company for treatment of employees.

Dan Curry, Assistant Fire Chief and President of the Assistant Chiefs Local spoke to comment on the Fire study.

Ken Mochel, 17 Elm St. spoke in support of the Adelphia employees.

Jeff Dygert, Vice President of Local 1446 spoke to comment on the Fire Department study.  

John Hogan, 13 Dexter Ave. – spoke to Council in opposition to the Adelphia management.

Joe LeoGrande, 161 E. Genesee St. spoke to comment on Adelphia’s rates.

Linda Leather, 11 Underwood St., former Adelphia employee spoke to ask that Adelphia employees are treated with more respect.

Robert Wells, Sennett and Adelphia Customer spoke in support of the Adelphia employees.

Ron Hill, Business Agent for the Teamsters spoke on behalf of the striking Adelphia workers.

Richmond Parker, 1 Court St. – spoke to ask what would happen if Adelphia violated contract.

Recap – Clerk read.

Council moved into Executive Session at 7:40PM and ending at 8:10PM.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10PM.