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City Council Minutes 02/06/2003
February 6, 2003
Work Session MEETING

Roll Call - Councilor Jacobs, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli –
Present.  Councilor McNabb absent.

City Staff Present – John Salomone, City Manager; Beatrice O’Hora, Comptroller; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel; Jenny Haines, Planner; Mike Long, Planner; Steve Lynch, Director of Planning, Jim Galvin, Senior Planner, Nancy Hussey, Assistant Corporation Counsel; Brian Hicks, Code Officer, Jim Galvin CDBG Program Manager; Marie Nellenback, Treasurer, Mike Burns, Assessor.  

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations – Clerk read

Public Announcements – Clerk read.

Mayor Carnicelli read a memo from Senator Hillary Clinton regarding the Presidents proposed cuts from the COPS program.  Senator Clinton reported that she is sponsoring an amendment to restore some of these funds.

Presentation of Petition and Communications – Clerk read.

First Read of Ordinances and Local Laws – None

Work Session
Housing Study Group – Presentation on Housing Issues
Jennie Haines, Steve Lynch, Brian Hicks, Nancy Hussey, Marie Nellenback, Mike Burns and Jim Galvin, representing Planning, Legal, Treasurer, Assesor and Codes presented Council with a power point presentation review of housing issues in Auburn.  Mayor and Council discussed.  

Update on State St. Mall RFP process
City Manager John Salomone recapped memo that was distributed. It reviewed proposals received for opening the mall to a street.   He reported that if all goes well with review process a resolution will come before Council on February 13.

Mayor Carnicelli asked that the City Clerk read a letter she received via email from Michael Sinicropi of 93 E. Genesee St.  Mr. Sinicropi requested that his letter be read into the record because he was unable to attend the meeting.  The City Clerk read the letter.  Mr. Sinicropi stated his opposition to opening the State Street Mall to pedestrian traffic.

Other Business
Award Resolution #41 of 2003 authorizing the award of bid for the comprehensive study of the Auburn Fire Department to MMA Consulting Group Inc of Boston MA.  Vote:  Councilor Jacobs, Hunter and Mayor Carnicelli Aye.  Councilor McNabb absent.  Councilor Dempsey no.  PASSED.

Mayor Carnicelli asked the City Manager to step up activities to improve the Downtown Parking Garage as it will be in full use shortly with County employees using it.

Councilor Jacobs asked that the City Manager look into why some City owned properties are not lowering their flags in honor of the Space Shuttle Astronauts.

Councilor Jacobs asked that staff look at the tax collection system that Syracuse is using.

Councilor Dempsey asked about the electrician position that Mr. Gurak left when he retired.  He stated there were lights out downtown and wondered how it was handled.  The City Manager said it was handled well and would not have gone any faster if the position was filled.
Public to be Heard
Tim Lattimore West Lake Road – spoke to ask if there was any follow up by the city to Mr. Kiss visit to council on January 31st.  Mayor Carnicelli referred him to AIDA or the planning office for that information.

Recap – Clerk read.

Motion to adjourn to executive session at 7:30PM ending at 7:45PM.

Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 7:45PM