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City Council Minutes 11/21/2002
Meeting #50
Auburn City Council
Regular Meeting
November 21, 2002

Roll Call Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli Present.

Staff present:  John Salomone, City Manager; Michael Quill, Fire Chief; Debra McCormick, City Clerk; Thomas Leone, Corporation Counsel.

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag – Katie Demazne an eighth grade student at West Middle School lead the pledge.

Presentations and Proclamations – The City Clerk read.

                        Fire Promotional Ceremony –
Mayor Carnicelli introduced Chief Mike Quill.  Chief Quill introduced new Assistant Chief Lawrence Roberts. Councilor Bill Jacobs administered the oath to Assistant Chief Roberts.  Chief Quill introduced recently promoted Fire Captain Bill Petrosino.  Captain Petrosino was joined by his daughters who administered his oath of office.

                        Fire Awards Ceremony –
Chief Quill introduced Firefighter Sean Stewart and presented her with an award for her dedication and help to Tom Ward during his illness.  Chief Quill also presented the Fire Chief’s Citation Award to Corey Kelly.  Corey was responsible for alerting residents and calling 911 during a fire on July 3, 2002 on North St.

Public Announcements – Clerk read.

Mayor Carnicelli adjourned the meeting at 6:10PM for a few minutes to allow people in attendance for firefighters to leave.  

Mayor Carnicelli called the meeting back to order at 6:15PM.  

Mayor Carnicelli opened the Public Hearing portion of the meeting.  The purpose of the Public Hearing was to hear comments on the proposed expansion of the Empire Zone Boundaries.

Ed Ides Supervisor of the Town of Aurelius thanked the city for including the town in the Zone.  He asked for council’s consideration in extending the Zone.

Gina Speno, Manager of the Finger lakes Mall spoke in support of the expansion.

Cindy Aikman Empire Zone Coordinator answered questions.  Mr. Ides thanked Ms. Aikman for the help she has provided the town.

City Manager’s Report
The City Manager reported on the following:
·       The furnace at City Hall is out of service and being repaired.
·       The City is in the final stage of the Owasco-Five Point Neighborhood plan.  He asked Councilors to forward any comments by 11/28.
·       Received a letter from Vitale Construction.  2002 Road Program will be completed early or on time.
·       Cayuga Counseling Service has contacted the city with plans to start a “First Night Celebration”.
·       Seneca Falls Fire Chief sent gratitude for help from Auburn Fire Department and asked for a report of expenses for reimbursement.

Public to be Heard - None

Report of City Officials        
Mayor Carnicelli distributed a memo discussing the creation of an Animal Advisory Commission with Councilor McNabb as Chairman.  

Committee Reports - None

Presentation of Petition and Communications – Clerk read.

Ordinances - None


Appointment Resolution #211 of 2002 authorizing appointment to the Mayor’s Social Justice Task Force.  Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli vote- aye.  PASSED
Award Resolution #212 of 2002 authorizing award of bid  for printing and binding of the 2002 Council Proceedings, to Two Brothers Printing of Moravia, New York, in the amount of $3,000.00, to be charged to Account #A 1210.450. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli vote- aye.  PASSED

Council Resolution #213 of 2002 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an Agreement with the State of New York Department of Economic Development for a matching funds grant in the amount of Fifty-seven Thousand ($57,000) Dollars. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli vote- aye.  PASSED

Change Order Resolution #214 of 2002 authorizing award of Change Order #1 for the Lake Avenue Bridge Painting & Rehabilitation Project.  Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli vote- aye.  PASSED

Sidewalk Resolution #215 of 2002 authorizing the installation of sidewalks on the 2002 Revolving Loan Sidewalk Program – Contract #2, to be charged back to the owner over a five (5) year period and to be charged to Account #HA 5497.440-001. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli vote- aye.  PASSED

Change Order Resolution #216 of 2002 authorizing award of Supplemental Agreement #2 to Popli Consulting Engineers for additional inspection services on the Lake Avenue Bridge Painting & Rehabilitation Project. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli vote- aye.  PASSED

Land Sale Resolution #217 of 2002 authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all necessary documents for the sale of 20 Seymour Street, Auburn, New York to Edward Lenton for his bid of One Thousand One Hundred Fifty ($1,150) Dollars.
Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli vote- aye.  PASSED

Land Sale Resolution #218 of 2002 authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all necessary documents for the sale of 92 Fitch Avenue, Auburn, New York to Rodney Major for his bid of Six Thousand ($6,000) Dollars. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli vote- aye.  PASSED

Council Resolution #219 of 2002 designating the parcel located at 174 N. Division Street, Auburn, New York, as a General Industrial zoning district. Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli vote- aye.  PASSED

Council Resolution #220 of 2002 classifying and requesting lead agency status pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act regarding revising the exiting boundaries of the New York State Empire Zone Vote: Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli vote- aye.  PASSED

Local Law - None
Tabled Legislation - None

Other Business – Councilor Dempsey asked questions about the claims list.

Councilor Jacobs asked if there were plans to have Holiday Lights on Grant Ave.
Second Public to be Heard  - None

Recap – Clerk read.

Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 7:25PM.