Council Resolution #83 of 2002 declaring Lead Agency and determining significance of environmental impacts pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act. All vote aye. PASSED
Bond Ordinance #6 of 2002 of the City of Auburn, New York, authorizing the issuance of $3,950,000 Serial Bonds to finance the cost of the construction of the Connector Road. Mayor Carnicelli speaks to explain why she is in favor of the Connector Rd. Her reasons included the road providing a new source of tax revenue for the city, traffic safety on other streets, and 2/3 of the funding being in place. Councilor Hunter used a map to illustrate how he sees the lack of potential for development and reduction in traffic on Standart Ave. not as great as predicted. Councilor McNabb presented a petition with 27 signatures from business owners on Grant Ave that are opposed to the road. Councilor McNabb asked for clarification on the countyit is $250,000 in-kind services. Mayor Carnicelli further explains that the city will receive 1.25 million from the state, a $750,000 grant thanks to Senator Nozzolio, and the $250,000 in kind from the county. Councilor Dempsey commented on the road being a winner for traffic safety, and revenue opportunity for the city. Mayor Carnicelli thanked everyone and called for the vote. Councilor Jacobs, Hunter, Dempsey, and Mayor Carnicelli vote aye, Councilor McNabb votes no. PASSED.
Ordinance #2 of 2002, Amendment to Chapter 230, Property Maintenance, Section 230-4(B) of the Zoning Ordinance. All vote aye. PASSED
Appointment Resolution #84 of 2002 authorizing re-appointment to the Historic Resources Review Board. All vote aye. PASSED
Curb Resolution #85 of 2002 authorizing the installation of curbing to be charged back to the owner over a five (5) year period and to be charged to Account #HA 5497.440-001. All vote aye. PASSED
Sidewalk Resolution #86 of 2002 authorizing the installation of sidewalks to be charged back to the owner over a five (5) years period and to be charged to Account #5497.440-001. All vote aye, except for Mayor Carnicelli who abstained. PASSED.
Council Resolution #87 of 2002 authorizing the City manager to advertise for bids for the Casey Park Rink Enclosure Project. All vote aye. PASSED
Council Resolution #88 of 2002 authorizing the implementation and funding in the first instance of the State Multi-Modal 2000 Program-aid eligible costs for the Connector Road Project. All vote aye. PASSED
Council Resolution #89 of 2002 authorizing the implementation and funding in the first instance 100% of the Federal-aid and State Marchiselli Program-aid eligible costs for the Lake Avenue Bridge Rehabilitation Project. All vote aye. PASSED
Agreement Resolution #90 of 2002 authorizing the Mayor to execute an Easement Agreement with Bowtak, Inc., 265 Genesee Street, Auburn, New York. All vote aye, except for Councilor Dempsey who abstained. PASSED.
Local Law - None
Tabled Legislation - None
Other Business
Second Public to be Heard
Tim Smith 13 Chestnut St.
Glenn Carver 5 Evans St.
Council asked for a recess at 7:45PM and resumed at 8:00PM.
Capitol Improvement Program
Motion for Executive Session at 8:35PM to discuss the financial history of a particular corporation, the employment history of a particular person or persons and the proposed sale of city owned properties. Meeting ended at 9:40PM.