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City Council Minutes 01/10/2002
JANUARY 10, 2002

ROLL CALL - Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli
City Staff present:  Corporation Counsel Tom Leone, City Manager John Salomone, Vijay Mital, Jim Moore, William Lupien, Frank DeOrio, Maria DelloStritto, Jim Brazee.

Mayor Carnicelli read a memoriam honoring Sidney Burridge Sr. who recently passed away.  Mr. Burridge was an Auburn Firefighter from 1957 to 1980.



City Manager John Salomone reviews Connector Road project using handouts and power point presentation.

Mayor Carnicelli calls for public input.  

Gary Temple, Zoning Board Member, spoke in favor of the Connector Rd. he sited enhanced safety, development potential, increased tax revenue, and business development as reasons.

John Breanick, 218 S. Seward Ave. and Planning Board Member, spoke in favor the Connector Rd.  Property and sales tax, and residential development were his reasons.

Lou O
Pam Siracusa, owner of property on North Fulton St. Ext. asked if the city plans to buy her property.  Mayor Carnicelli suggests she leave her number with Mr. Leone for a follow up call or meeting.

Tony Amodei, 20 Cameron St. and owner of property to be affected, asked Council about design plans and spoke about his concern about intersections.  Mayor Carnicelli asked him to contact the Manager or email him with his ideas regarding his property and the road.

Suzanne Livingston, 161 North St. expressed her concern about increased truck traffic on North St.  She stated she was not in favor of the road.     

Frank Agati, 39 Dayton St., explained to Council that he bought his home on Dayton St. because he wanted the backyard with woods.  He is not in favor of the road.

Lori Dacy, 100 Standard Ave., explained that she has lived on Standard Ave for 28 years.  Development on Grant Ave has grown and nothing has been done to accommodate increased traffic.  She supports the road because of safety issues.  

Councilor Dempsey commented that two years ago during his door-to-door campaign he sat with the Dacy
Jamie Agati, 39 Dayton St.
Dave Wisnewski, 114 Austin Dr., expressed concern over the effect the road would have on children at Auburn Heights, the Senior Citizens Complex and noise from the quarry.  He is opposed to the road.

Mayor Carnicelli commented that traffic and accident studies are in the works.

Paul Lattimore, Owasco, spoke about truck traffic at the corner of North Street and York St.  He is concerned about unsafe turning at intersection.

Barb Garr, speaking for Hammond and Irving 254 North St. spoke of the concern about how close the road will come to the back of that property.  

Mayor Carnicelli explains that all effected adjacent property owners will be contacted when and if the road plan goes forward.

Frank Benosky, Cayuga and Auburn property owner speaks in favor of the Connector Road.

Councilor Hunter comments on traffic patterns and the importance of the traffic study.

Mayor Carnicelli commented that she is in favor of moving forward with the road, but would keep in mind with careful consideration the concerns of people that live or own businesses in the area.

Cherry Love, Orchard St.
John Breanick, spoke about the timing of bonding.  He stated now was a good time.

Mayor Carnicelli called for a 3 minute break at 7:20PM, all Councilor
Council Meeting called back to order at 7:35PM

Mayor comments on process of planning for Connector Rd and addresses questions that people asked during the break.

Jeff Opett, from Clough Harbour Associates, the engineering firm working with the city on planning the road, introduced himself and invited council members to call on him with any questions.  


Steve Lynch Senior Planner and Vijay Mital, Director of Planning did a brief presentation on regulating conversions.  Mayor Carnicelli asked for comments from the members of the Planning or Zoning Boards present.  

Frank Benosky, Auburn Landlord, spoke about the issue of licensing landlords, which is not included in the proposed ordinance. He gave his reasons for not wanting it included.  

John Breanick, Planning Board member spoke to explain why he voted no on the proposed ordinance when it was presented to them.  He is in favor of letting people convert homes to two family homes for relatives.

Gary Temple, Zoning Board member, spoke about lot requirements and the challenges it presents to the Zoning Board.

Council discussed issues with staff.

Mayor Carnicelli asked if Council was in favor of waiving the first reading next week and prepared to vote on new ordinance.  All were in favor.


Frank DeOrio, Director of Municipal Utilities, review the solid waste recycling program and plans for the new building.  Council discussed and agreed that they would like to vote on it in January so as not to miss the February 1 grant deadline.

Gabby Petrosino, Westwood Dr. spoke to council regarding her thoughts in support of continuing the recycling program in Auburn.

Councilor Jacobs asked that an Ethics Commission be reinstated and he asked about the financial disclosure that he was asked to complete and its relationship to discrimination on marital status.  

Mayor Carnicelli responded that the Ethics Commission had not been in place since 1991 and it is at the discretion of the Mayor as whether or not there would be one.  She explained that she felt there are enough checks and balances in place in the city without a commission.  

Councilor Jacobs also asked that a Veterans Commission be created.  

Motion to adjourn to Executive Session by Council Jacobs, seconded by Councilor Dempsey to discuss the following:
·       Employment History of particular persons
·       The sale of 3 city owned properties.
All in favor.  Meeting began at 9:20PM and ended at 10:15PM