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City Council Minutes 02/21/2002
FEBRUARY 21, 2002
6:00 P.M.

Roll Call - Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli - Present
Mayor Opens meeting. Two announcements were read, and there was a first reading of Local Law #1 of 2002 regarding adoption of re-codification of City Code.  Councilor Jacobs asked what the Code would look like and how it would be updated.  City Manager John Salamone answered that the Code would be in binders and on CD-rom, which will make it accessible by all City offices.

Clerk read heading of Local Law #2.  Mayor asked if there were any persons who wished to address Council on this Local Law.  There were no speakers.


Mayor stated the subject of the work session would be the Connector Road.  The traffic study was not completed, so that would not be discussed tonight, just the SEQR for the Connector Road.

Manager began discussion by describing SEQR and the process necessary to accomplish it.  Mike Long, Director of Capital Improvement Program, introduced Kathy Bennett, an associate from Bond, Scheneck & King who would be discussing the SEQR and the bond time table.  Ms. Bennett said the decision would have to be made it this was a Type I, Type II, or third category which is “Unlisted Action”.  The City would also have to be declared the lead agency.

Mayor and Ms. Bennett discussed time line to accomplish DEC requirements for rivers and streams; archeological impacts, especially Indian sites; administrative hearing regarding railroad.  

City Manager discussed preliminary studies and costs involved.  Mayor asked about Negative Declaration being done before or after everything.  Ms. Bennett said that would be done at the end of everything.

Councilor Hunter asked if the railroad would be included in the review process, and about the administrative hearing.  The City Manager informed Councilor Hunter that the railroad is generally in favor of this connector road so far, and he cannot foresee any problems with the railroad.  The administrative hearing is costly, so the City will have as much prepared and agreed upon before hand as possible.  This will help to minimize costs until Council is comfortable with the project.  Councilor Hunter asked about the costs.  The City Manager said money is already included in this budget to cover whatever costs would be incurred.  Councilor Hunter questioned about what impact this would have upon the City Mayor said she believed whatever circumstances arose, the problems could be solved.  Ms. Bennett said all of these steps were necessary as a way to study the impact of such a project, not as a way to stop it.  

Mayor discussed money having been earmarked for this project from the State and secured by Senator Nozzolo.  Also $250,000 of “in kind support” for the project from the County, as confirmed by Legislative Chairman Lockwood.  The Chairman supports and encourages the project.

Manager said he would schedule a Work Session for Council to review all this input, the week before the Bond is presented.  This could be done in 3 to 6 weeks.  April 11th would be the goal date, but it could come before Council earlier that that.  Mike Long said he would like to file the paperwork as soon as possible to guarantee the money.  The Mayor said the money was already earmarked for this project.



Mary Charles, 26 Logan Street
Mayor said she was closing discussion on Local Law #1.

Councilor Dempsey said he wondered about the City looking into doing whatever was necessary to keep the County Social Services located downtown, as opposed to moving to Finger Lakes Mall in Aurelius.  

Mayor said she had discussed this with Chairman Lockwood. She also said she had been contacted by many downtown property owners, who were concerned with parking.  She stressed that 80% of DSS receivers are City residents.  Councilor Dempsey encourages discussion for solutions.  Mayor said that Chairman Lockwood has promised to meet with the Mayor and Manager before any decision is made.  Councilor Jacobs would like the City to look into giving the County, Pomeroy Park to create parking space.

Council adjourned at 7:25 pm.