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City Council Minutes 10/17/2002
October 17, 2002

ROLL CALL - Councilor Jacobs, Hunter, Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli
City Staff present:  Corporation Counsel Tom Leone, John Salomone, City Manager, City Clerk Debra McCormick, Steve Lynch Special Project Coordinator City Manager
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations
Presentation of Petition and Communications
Public Announcements
Mayor Carnicelli asked for council consent to move the public to be heard portion of the meeting up to accommodate the public interest in the work session topic of cats.  All agreed.

Public to be Heard
Alicia McKeen 11 Grover St. owner of 10 cats commented on various issues including pet owners taking responsibility for their cats.

Timothy Riley 172 S. Hoopes Ave spoke about damage to property at his home by neighbor
Elvin Maxwell 174 South Hoopes Ave.
Walter Gallbaly 176 South Hoopes Ave.
Diantha Pratt of E. Genesee St. spoke in agreement that there is an overpopulation of cats and recommended ideas for solutions.

Cathy Burns 173 S. Hoopes Ave.  spoke to ask council who should be held responsible for nuisance cats.  She stressed that she likes cats, wants her property undamaged and just wants a solution that is fair for everyone.

Marvin McQaid, 93 Owasco St. introduced himself as the Director of the Cayuga County Pet Food Pantry.  He suggested ideas for a solution to the problem of Cat overpopulation.

Ina Gansert, 37 N. Division St.
Mary Barzee, 10 Elm St. recommended a leash law for cats.

Tom Concrite, 18 Steel St. spoke about the 15-25 cats in the neighborhood owned by various people that are destroying his property and some are being inhumanely treated.  He wanted to know what could be done.

Rita Sarnicola, Animal Resource Center spoke to recommend ideas to solve the problem including working together.

Meg Lepak 45 Kensington St. spoke in support of the Feral Cat Friends.

Chris Steenwort, SPCA Board member applauded the efforts of all the volunteers that spoke previously.  She stated the SPCA is aware of the problem and recommended working together with Feral Cat programs rather than create laws.

Louis Faxton 77 Throop Ave. spoke to agree that cats are a nuisance and have destroyed his tomato plants.

Ed Knight, a licensed Nuisance Wildlife trapper spoke of his experience working with Oswego with cats.  He discovered licensing didn
Beth Baldwin, 5 Barber St., owns a cat and keeps in her house all the time.  She hopes an ordinance won
Diantha Pratt, E. Genesee St. spoke again to remind council that collars on cats are dangerous and that many abandoned cats are treated cruelly.

Edwin Maxwell, S. Hoopes Ave spoke again to ask council to remember something needs to be done about irresponsible cat owners.

Tim Riley 172 S. Hoopes Ave spoke again to emphasize he owns a cat and just wants other cat owners to respect property of neighbors.

Judah Rodriquez Sierra 34 Lansing St. an employee at Auburn Correctional Facility spoke to explain a program at the prison where inmates and staff adopt cats out.

Mr. Galbally, 176 S. Hoopes Ave. asked to speak again and reminded everyone that it is against the law to trap a cat.

Work Session02
Discussion of proposed Feline Ordinance

Mayor Carnicelli asked if council had any comments.  There were none.  Mayor Carnicelli commented on the city
A video tape sent to the Mayor by a feral cat rescue group from Utah was viewed.  It promoted the trap, neuter and release program.

Alicia McKeen asked to speak again to remind council that the feral cat program can take time to see the impact.  Cats can live an average of 10 years.

Kalet Building
The City Manager, Corporation Counsel and Council discussed the recent bid results for the Kalet Building.
Other Business
Motion to adjourn to Executive Session at 7:45PM to discuss; the financial history of a particular corporation, the proposed sale of city owned land, discuss pending litigation, and the employment history of a particular individual. Meeting ended at 9:20PM.  

Council back in session at 9:22PM

Mayor Carnicelli asked for unanimous consent to add a carry in a
resolution to the agenda.  All agreed.  The Mayor asked the Clerk to read the resolution.

Council Resolution #196 of 2002 authorizing the Mayor to execute a Settlement Agreement with HSBC Bank USA.  Vote: Councilor Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli