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City Council Minutes 10/25/2001
Council Meeting # 43
Regular Meeting
Memorial City Hall
October 25, 2001

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance - Elizabeth Hutson, 8th Grade student from East Middle School and member of the National Junior Honor Society led the Pledge.  

Presentations and Proclamations
Public Announcements
City Manager Report
The City Manager reported the following:
·       The large flag that has been hanging on the front of City Hall is being taken down because of high wind weather predictions.  The flag will be hung for Veterans Day.
·       The Public Hearings for the Community Development Block Grant have begun.  A schedule has been published in the newspaper and council was given a copy.
·       The Skateboard Park officially opens next week.  It will be free for the remainder of the year and will remain open until weather prohibits use.

Report of City Officials
Committee Reports - None

Public to be Heard
John Kinny, Capital St.
Hugh Parker, Spafford (owns property on the corner of Tuxhill Square and Grove Avenue)
Sam Testa, Westlake St.
Presentation of Petitions and Communications
Sidewalk Resolution #165 of 2001 authorizing the installation of new sidewalks/curbing to be charged back to the owner over a five (5) year period and to be charged to Account HA5497.  Vote: Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Carnicelli, all vote aye.  PASSED

Change Order Resolution #166 of 2001 authorizing the approval of a Change Order for the 2001 Road Program Project.  Vote: Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Carnicelli, all vote aye.  PASSED

Council Resolution #167 of 2001 authorizing the Manager to apply for a grant from the Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium, Inc., as administered through NYSERDA in the amount of four thousand five hundred dollars. ($4500.)  Vote: Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Carnicelli, all vote aye.  PASSED

Other Business
Councilor McNabb told the City Manager that there were 2 mattresses and a couch on the curb on Osborne Street and mattresses on Logan St as well.

Councilor Dempsey asked when C & S Engineering was scheduled to attend Council meeting.  Mr. Salomone told him in November at a work session.

Second Public to be Heard
Mayor Carnicelli explained that residents from Taber Drive and Hillside Terrace and the Executive Director of the ARC were attending to voice opinions on the proposed purchase of land on Taber Drive for the construction of a four bedroom home for people with disabilities.  

Kevin Smith, Executive Director of the Cayuga Seneca ARC spoke about the NYCARES program and its support of community housing for people with developmental disabilities.  He explained that Auburn currently has 4 such homes through out the city; this one will be the 5th.

Bob Hauser, Hillside Terrace spoke in opposition to the construction of this home.  He submitted a petition to council supporting his position.

Marylyn Hauser, Hillside Terrace spoke in opposition to the construction of this home.  

Phil Ferry, 18 Taber Dr., spoke in opposition to the home.

Carmella Rock, Wallace Ave. spoke to comment on people she knows at 193 North St that are developmentally disabled and are great neighbors to have.  

Mike Deming 165 Franklin St. spoke about the curbing on Seminary and Holley St. and suggested that the city find a way to have road testing moved to another area.

Motion to adjourn to Executive Session by Councilor McNabb, seconded by Councilor Mason at 6:40PM.  Purpose
Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 7:01PM