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City Council Minutes 11/08/2001
Council Meeting # 45
Regular Business Meeting
Memorial City Hall
November 8, 2001

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations
Public Announcements
City Manager Report
The City Manager reported the following:
·       Congressman Walsh announced that the City will receive a $700,000 grant for the Riverfront/Downtown Redevelopment Project.
·       Praised the Public Safety staff for work done handling a very tense situation during a drug arrest earlier in the day.
·       He will be attending a NYCOM sponsored summit in NYC on terrorism next week.
·       Met with the new Executive Director of the Business Improvement District.
·       The City received the NYSERDA grant ($4500.) for a Geothermal Energy Feasibility Study.  

Mayor Carnicelli asked that the agenda be amended to move item 10A up to accommodate all of the citizens that attended to speak on that topic.  All agreed.  Mayor Carnicelli asks if there is anyone wishing to be heard on any other topic than the issue of the home on Taber Drive.  With no response she opened the floor for public comment on the request by the Seneca Cayuga ARC to establish an Individual Residential Alternative home to house four individuals with developmental disabilities at 16 Taber Drive.

Public to be Heard
Marylyn Hauser, 5 Hillside Terrace
Ginny Ellis, Burtis Point
Bill Reynolds, Weedsport
Tony Guiciardi, Auburn, director of Unity Employment of Unity House
Barb Bowen, Mayor
Rebecca Sherrer, 32 Gaylord St.
Calvin Gee, parent of an adult developmentally disabled child
Mayor Carnicelli commented about a citizen call she received explaining that the caller had lived next door to developmentally disabled people for 15 years and never had a problem.

Gary Temple, Auburn
Norma Glendale, her son is developmentally disabled
Guy Cosentino, 139 Dunning Ave.  Executive Director of Options for Independence
Ordinance #26 of 2001 amending Chapter 19 entitled “Electrical Licensing Ordinance”.  Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Carnicelli, all vote aye. PASSED.


Council Resolution #174 of 2001 approving a request from Seneca Cayuga ARC to establish an Individual Residential Alternative home to house four (4) individuals with developmental disabilities at 16 Taber Drive, Auburn, New York.  Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Carnicelli, all vote aye.  PASSED

~Council Resolution #168 of 2001 authorizing changing the date for City Council meeting of  November 22, 2001.  Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Carnicelli, all vote aye. PASSED.

Appointment Resolution #169 of 2001 authorizing appointment to the Empire Zone Board. Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Carnicelli, all vote aye.  PASSED.

Appointment Resolution #170 of 2001 authorizing appointments to the Neighborhood and Housing Commission.  Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Carnicelli, all vote aye.  PASSED

Council Resolution #171 of 2001 amending the Rules & Procedures of the City Council at Section VIII, “Order of Business”, to a format more conducive to a work session. Mason votes no, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Carnicelli, all vote aye.  PASSED

Council Resolution #172 of 2001 authorizing the Mayor to accept a grant, on behalf of the City of Auburn, from the Empire State Development Grant Community Enhancement Facilities Assistance Program. Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Dempsey, Carnicelli, all vote aye.  PASSED.

Council Resolution #173 of 2001 authorizing the Manager to enter into a contract with Marsh USA, Inc., to provide the City with analysis, marketing and consulting services with regard to health insurance benefits for the City employees.  Mason, McNabb, Hunter, Carnicelli, all vote aye.  Dempsey abstains.  PASSED

Other Business -  None

Second Public to be Heard
Cherry Love Duncan, Auburn
Motion to adjourn to Executive Session
·       Proposed sale of city owned property
·       Proposed purchase of city owned property
·       Proposed litigation.
Began at 6:30PM and ended at 7:29PM

Adjournment at 7:30 PM