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City Council Minutes 12/06/2001
Council Meeting # 49
Business Meeting
Memorial City Hall
December 6, 2001

Roll Call - Councilor Mason, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli - Present

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Presentations and Proclamations
Public Announcements
City Manager Report
The City Manager reported the following:
·       He met with the Parks Commission on Tuesday at Hoopes Park and ice skating was the topic.  A hotline will be established for citizens to call for information on when there is skating.  It will also be on the City
·       Last Thursday he joined Chief Giannotta and Chief Quill in NYC at a workshop on terrorism sponsored by the New York Conference of Mayors.  Mayor Guiliani spoke and it provide valuable information for all cities.
·       Flair testing was completed on the methane gas recovery system.  Inexpensive fuel to run the incinerator will be available in a week or two.
·       The upper pump house is completed.  Mayor Carnicelli asked if it would be possible to visit the Pumphouse next week during the work session.
·       Downtown 2 hour free parking is in place.  The RFP for the Meter Attendant hand held device is going out.  An amnesty program for people that still owe parking fines will be introduced.  Outstanding tickets go back to the 1980
Public to be Heard
Bill Jacobs, 95 Cottage St.
Lynette French, 33 Mattie St.
Report of City Officials- None

Committee Reports
Presentation of Petitions and Communications
Public to be Heard

Ordinance #27 of 2001 authorizing amending Chapter 44 entitled “Streets and Public Places”.   By Councilor McNabb, seconded by Councilor Hunter.  Vote: Councilor Mason
Ordinance #28 of 2001 authorizing an amendment to the City of Auburn Municipal Code creating Chapter 5, entitled “Equal Employment Opportunity”.

·       Motion to amend by Mayor Carnicelli, seconded by Councilor Mason. Amendment to eliminate Section C “Certain Agreements Prohibited”. Vote: Councilor Mason, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli
·       Motion to table by Councilor McNabb, seconded by Councilor Mason:  Vote: Councilor Mason and Hunter and Mayor Carnicelli
·       Vote on Ordinance #28 with amendment:  Councilor Mason, Hunter, Dempsey and Mayor Carnicelli

Agreement Resolution #185 of 2001 authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the State of New York for landfill services for the Auburn Correctional Facility.  By Councilor McNabb, seconded by Councilor Mason.  Vote: Councilor Mason, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli
Council Resolution #186 of 2001 authorizing the Auburn Fire Department to assist the County of Cayuga with the operation of the Fire and Multi-Agency Training Center.  By Councilor Mason, seconded by Councilor Dempsey.  Vote: Councilor Mason, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli
Council Resolution #187 of 2001 authorizing the Director of Municipal Utilities to prepare a bid package and advertising to solicit a supplier of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation approved cover soils for the City Landfill. By Councilor Mason, seconded by Councilor McNabb. Vote: Councilor Mason, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli
Council Resolution #188 of 2001 authorizing the Director of Municipal Utilities to advertise and secure bids for a Caterpillar D-7 Dozer, or equivalent, suitable for City Landfill operations.  By Councilor Mason, seconded by Councilor Dempsey.  Vote:  Councilor Mason, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli
Council Resolution #189 of 2001 determining that the acquisition of a Landfill dozer is a Type II action for purposes of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act.  By Councilor Mason, seconded by Councilor Dempsey.  Vote: Councilor Mason, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli
Financial Resolution #190 of 2001 authorizing the execution and delivery of lease-purchase agreement to finance the cost of purchasing a Landfill dozer for the City of Auburn in an amount not to exceed $280,000.  
Council Resolution #191 of 2001 determining that the acquisition of seven (7) pick-up trucks is a Type II action for purposes of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act.  By Councilor Mason, seconded by Councilor McNabb.  Vote:  Councilor Mason, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli
Financial Resolution #192 of 2001 authorizing the execution and delivery of a lease-purchase agreement to finance the cost of purchasing seven (7) pick-up trucks for the City of Auburn in an amount not to exceed $230,000. By Councilor Mason, Seconded by Councilor McNabb.  Vote: Councilor Mason, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli
Award Resolution #193 of 2001 authorizing the award of bid for microfilm services for the City Clerk
Local Laws
Tabled Legislation
Other Business - None

Second Public to be Heard - None

Recap - None

Motion to adjourn to Executive Session for the following:
·       Discuss the financial history of a particular corporation
·       Discuss the employment history of a particular individual
·       Discuss the proposed lease of City owned property
By Councilor Dempsey, seconded by Councilor McNabb.  Vote:  Councilor Mason, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli
Meeting called back to order at 8:10PM by Mayor Carnicelli.    

Motion by Councilor Dempsey, seconded by Councilor McNabb to amend the agenda to add Council Resolution # 194 of 2001.  Vote: Councilor Mason, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli
Council Resolution # 194 of 2001 amending the City Budget for fiscal year 2001-2002 to reflect the elimination of two part-time positions and the creation of one full-time position in the Office of Planning and Economic Development.  By Councilor Mason, seconded by Councilor McNabb.  Vote:  Councilor Mason, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey; Mayor Carnicelli