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City Council Minutes 12/20/2001
December 20, 2001
Regular Meeting
City Council Chambers
5:00 P. M.

Roll Call
Mayor announced that the order of the meeting would be changed slightly, as the boy doing the Pledge of Allegiance was running late because his Mom had a flat tire.  So before the meeting was called to order, Council would have the presentation of the plaque for naming City Employees with 25 years or more of service.  

Mr. Salomone on behalf of the Employee Recognition Committee presented watches to retiring City employees Norman VanHoltz and Edward Gleason.  Mr. Salomone and the Mayor thanked them for their years of services, and wished them well in their the retirement.

Mayor extended Happy Holiday wishes to those present and at home watching.  She said this was a year to truly appreciate the holidays, and be thankful for all we have been given.

Mayor introduced Bijan Nezami who led Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Bijan was the #1 student at East Middle School for the last marking period.

City Manager said the City would be testing e-mail systems for use by the citizens of the City to contact City departments. These tests should begin shortly.   It is felt this system will help with the processing of complaints and/or compliments.

The third meeting of the Health Benefits Committee has been held.  This is a committee looking into ways to cuts insurance costs.  The next meeting will be in January 2002.

The Manager wanted to remind the citizen of Auburn, that City Hall hours would remain the same, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, with the exception of Christmas and New Year_s when the building would be closed.  He also reminded people to check their schedules for trash pickup.  He further wished everyone in the City a Happy Holiday Season.

PUBLIC BE HEARD  No speakers.


Mayor wanted everyone to be informed that item 11C on the agenda was pulled.

BOND ORDER #29  $500,000 Serial Bonds to Finance Additional Costs of Upgrading the City
Council Resolution #195 Advertise for Bids for Printing Stationery  Passed Unanimously.

Sewer Water Repair Program Resolution #196  Council Hunter questioned location of property  Passed Unanimously.

Resolution #198  Agreement with PFI Housing to lease 800 square feet of space for RSVP in the Boyle Center  Passed Unanimously.

Resolution #199  Agreement with Industrial Medical Associates for testing services pursuant to Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991  There was discussion of a typing error on this resolution.  The year showed as 2001, and should have been 2002.   Passed Unanimously.
Council Resolution #200  Casella Waster Management  Agreement showing rates for deposit of trash in the City_s landfill from December 17, 2001 to January 31, 2004.  Councilor Dempsey stated that he felt this was a good contract but that the City should keep an eye on the marketplace value of such service, to make sure we were getting the best price possible.  Passed Unanimously.

Award Resolution #201  Award to Over & Under Piping of Auburn, NY - $2,258,020 for general construction of the Phase I improvements to Water Purification Facility.  Passed Unanimously.

Award #202  Award to A. Pompo Electric - $134,782 for electrical construction of the Phase I Improvement Project at the Water Purification Facility.  Passed Unanimously.

Award Resolution #202  Award to A. Pompo Electric for their bid of $134,782 electrical construction of the Phase I Improvement Project at the City

PUBLIC BE HEARD   No speakers.

City Council adjourned at 6:45 PM