Auburn Municipal Civil Service
Meeting – 3/11/2004 Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Comm. Welch at 11:00 am. Sec. Fulton took the roll. Present was Comm.Welch, Comm.Camardo and Comm. Brennan. Also present was: Tom Gabak, President of the local CSEA union.
Approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2/05/04. Corrections to the minutes were as follows: the word excused not absent for Comm. Welch. Also, the meeting was called to order by Comm. Camardo. Motion to accept made by Comm. Brennan, seconded by Comm. Camardo. Motion carried 3-0.
**A memo will be sent to the City Manager and Department Heads to notify all that the deadline to have an issue on the agenda for the monthly meeting will be one week prior to the meeting. All paperwork must be included except for emergencies.
New Business
School District
A memo requesting another certification for the Supt. of Buildings and Grounds was sent by the school district’s Asst. Supt. JD Pabis as the current certification has expired. Also in the memo is a request for an extension until April 3rd for the current provisional to continue the workflow until the newly appointed superintendent assumes the duties. Requests were granted under administrative duties of the commission.
Fire Dept.
A request has been made by the Fire Chief, Mike Quill, to have the Commission hold the firefighter agility test as appointments are soon to be made that will make the test necessary. Bill Fulton contacted Ed Wagner, the athletic director from Cayuga Community College who stated that the test can be scheduled at the convenience of the commissioners. The test will however be given during the week as to avoid extra custodial charges.
Police Dept.
No representative from the dept is present so the request to hold any discussion with the Police Chief will be tabled until next month.
Old Business
Engineering Dept.
Continuation of the motion to discuss the proposed title of Project Manager as no representative from the Engineering Dept. is present.
CSEA Union
A letter was received today in response to the CSEA letter to the Commission to address certain issues. Motion made by Comm. Camardo and seconded by Comm. Welch to table any discussion of these issues until these letters are sent to Mary Carli, our NYS MSD consultant. Motion to table carried 3-0.
Monitor will be needed for the upcoming exam to be held this Saturday, March 13, 2004.
Motion to adjourn made by Comm. Brennan, seconded by Comm. Carmardo.
Meeting adjourned at 11:50 am.
Secretary to the Commission