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June 10, 2010 Council Agenda

PUBLIC HEARING regarding the Proposed Budget 2010-2011 Fiscal Year

          1.    Roll Call

          2.    Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

          3.    Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection

          4.    Public to be Heard

  • Presentations and Proclamations
A. Proclamation: Founder’s Day

B. Presentation: Donna Lamb, Executive Director  Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center

             6.        Public Announcements

             7.        City Manager’s Report

             8.        Presentation of Petition and Communications          

  •      State Environmental Quality Review Act Resolutions
        10.     Ordinances

                A. Ordinance #5 approving amendment to the Code of the City Chapter 242,
                     Section 83 Article VII entitled Sewer Service Charges
         11      Resolutions

A. Land Sale Resolution #82 of 2010 approval by Council for the sale of a
     vacant  parcel of land acquired through tax foreclosure proceedings.

B. Agreement Resolution #83 of 2010 authorizing the Mayor to sign any and
    all documents providing recreational services to the City of Auburn by the
    Auburn YMCA-WEIU.

C. Council Resolution #84 of 2010 approval of the Revolving Loan Sidewalk
     Program and the Revolving Loan Sewer/Water Repair Program.

D. Financial Resolution #85 of 2010 Council approving Budget Amendments
    and Transfers.

E. Council Resolution #86 of 2010 authorizing the Auburn Fire Department
    to apply for the 2010 Assistance to Firefighter Grant.

F. Council Resolution #87 of 2010 Council to accept the amended 2009
   Federal Assistance to Firefighter Grant (AFG).

G. Agreement Resolution #88 of 2010 Council ratifying a Collective
    Bargaining Agreement between the City of Auburn and the Civil
    Service Employees Association, Inc., Local 1000, Unit 6251-00.

H. Council Resolution #89 of 2010 authorizing the City Treasurer to
    purchase all outstanding tax liens that remain unpaid at the time
    of the 2010 City of Auburn tax sale on behalf of the City of Auburn.

12.      Local Law

           13.      Tabled Legislation
        14. Other Business

A. Budget Work Session

           15.      Recap

           16.      Adjournment
Respectfully submitted,

Mark R. Palesh  
City Manager