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City Council Meeting
Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 6:00 PM
Memorial City Hall
January 4, 2008

To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Auburn, New York

Dear Members of Council:

The following matters may be brought before the Council at the BUSINESS MEETING ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 2008 AT 6:00 P.M. IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS:

         1.     Roll Call

         2.     Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

         3.     Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection

         4.     Public to be Heard

         5.     Presentations and Proclamations   

             6.         Public Announcements

            7. City Manager’s Report

            8. Report of City Officials

9.     Committee Reports

          10.  Presentation of Petition and Communications         

           11.  Ordinances  
          12.  Resolutions  

                        A.      Financial Resolution #1 of 2008 authorizing adoption of the 2008 County Tax Rate within the City of Auburn.

                        B.      Appointment Resolution #2 of 2008 authorizing appointments and re-appointments to the City of Auburn Municipal Power Agency.

                        C.      Council Resolution #3 of 2008 authorizing a Public Hearing to be held on Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. regarding the CDBG 2008-2009 Action Plan.

                        D.      Agreement Resolution #4 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement to apply for the Municipal Conversion of the current Ambulance Operating Certificate.
           13.  Local Law

           14.  Tabled Legislation

          15.  Other Business
          16.  Recap

          17.  Adjournment
Respectfully submitted,
Mark R. Palesh  
City Manager