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City Council Meeting
Thursday, June 28, 2007 at 6:00 PM
Memorial City Hall
June 22, 2007

To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Auburn, New York

Dear Members of Council:

The following matters may be brought before the Council at the BUSINESS MEETING ON THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 2007 AT 6:00 P.M. IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS:

         1.     Roll Call

         2.     Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

         3.     Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection

         4.     Public to be Heard

         5.     Presentations and Proclamations   

             6.         Public Announcements

         7.     City Manager’s Report

8.     Report of City Officials

9.     Committee Reports

          10.  Presentation of Petition and Communications         

           11.  Ordinances

           12.  Resolutions

                        A       Council Resolution #141 of 2007 authorizing the Mayor to enter into Agreements with the Town of Skaneateles to dispose of solid waste at the City’s landfill in compliance with all City, New York State and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation rules and regulations.

                        B       Council Resolution #142 of 2007 authorizing the Mayor to accept award of grant from the Department of Criminal Justice Services for Operation Impact Tools Grant Award, in the amount of $22,000.00.

                        C       Agreement Resolution #143 of 2007 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the New York State Department, as secured by New York State Senator Michael Nozzolio, for improvements to the Casey Park Swimming pool and other recreational improvements in the Casey Park area, in the amount of $200,000.00

                        D.      Council Resolution #144 of 2007 authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Bond Schoeneck & King PLLC for professional services to provide review of the City of Auburn’s Building, Housing, Fire and Zoning Codes.

                        E.      Financial Resolution #145 of 2007 authorizing budget amendment to the 2006-2007 budget.    (FORTH COMING)

                        F.      Council Resolution #146 of 2007 authorizing an omnibus resolution approving the expenditures and authorizing the costs be added to the property owner’s City tax bill to be paid over a term of five years, with interest.

                        G.      Sidewalk Resolution #147 of  2007 authorizing the financing of sidewalks for property owners to pay for in conjunction with their taxes on the 21006 Revolving Loan Sidewalk Program.

                        H.      Council Resolution #148 of 2007 in support of Cayuga County Arts Council’s application to the New York State Environmental Protection Fund for improvements to the Schine Theatre.

I.      Agreement Resolution #149 of 2007 authorizing the Mayor to enter into a one (1) year independent services agreement with Barbara Deacon, 9 Seneca Parkway, Auburn, New York, for clerical services in the Office of Planning and Economic Development.

J.      Council Resolution #150 of 2007 authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with the New York State Department of Transportation for Multi-Modal 4 funding in the amount of $200,000 for the Wall Street Improvement Project.

                        K.      Council Resolution #151 of 2007 authorizing the City Manager to advertise for bids for the Casey Park Pool Repairs.

                        L.      Council Resolution #152 of 2007 authorizing accepting a donation in the amount of $50,000 from the Emerson Foundation, said funds to be used for the Capitol Improvements to Falcon Park.                                       .       
          13.  Local Law

           14.  Tabled Legislation

          15.  Other Business
          16.  Recap

          17.  Adjournment
Respectfully submitted,
Mark R. Palesh  
City Manager