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City Council Meeting
Thursday, January 4, 2007 at 6:00 PM
Memorial City Hall
December 29, 2006

To the Honorable Mayor and Council
of the City of Auburn, New York

Dear Members of Council:

The following matters may be brought before the Council at the meeting on THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2007 AT 6:00 P.M. IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS:

         1.     Roll Call

         2.     Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

         3.     Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection

         4.     Presentations and Proclamations  

             5.         Public Announcements

         6.     City Manager’s Report

7.     Public to be Heard

 8.     Report of City Officials

9.      Committee Reports

          10.  Presentation of Petition and Communications     

           11.  Ordinances

                        A.      Bond Ordinance #20 of 2006 authorizing the issuance of an additional $20,000 serial bonds to finance the cost of  Fire Station building improvements.

12.     Resolutions

                        A.      Award Resolution #1 of 2007 authorizing award of bids for Market Street Fire Station Improvements project to Welch Construction, of Marcellus, New York, for their bid of $94,804.00, J&E Electric, Inc. of Auburn, New York, for their bid of $4,950.00, and
Sunstream Corporation, of Binghamton, New York for their bid of $4,450.00, to be charged to Account # HA 3410-102-EG

                        B.      Council Resolution #2 of 2007 appointing a Hearing Officer to conduct a public hearing pursuant to Section 125-53(A) of the Code of the City of Auburn.

                        C.      Council Resolution #3 of 2007 approving and accepting the Auburn Empire Zone Development Policy as submitted by the Auburn Empire Zone Board of Directors.

                        D.      Land Sale Resolution #4 of 2007 authorizing the Mayor to execute any and all documents necessary for the sale of Boyd Street, a paper street, to John A. and Renee M. Schillace for an amount of four hundred ($400) dollars.

                        E.      Council Resolution #5 of 2007 approving the expenditures presented for payment and authorizing the Comptroller to process the payment of same. (ATTACHMENT FORTHCOMING)

                        F.      Council Resolution #6 of 2007 authorizing the Mayor to enter into a three (3) year agreement for water services with the Town of Throop.          
          13.  Local Law

           14.  Tabled Legislation

                        A.      Change Order Resolution #319 of 2006 authorizing the approval of Change order #5 to F. Rizzo Construction, Inc. for the Connector Road Phase 1 project.  

           15.  Second Public to be Heard

          16.  Other Business

          17.  Recap

          18.  Adjournment
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas G. Leone
Acting City Manager