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ZBA October 4 Minutes
October 4, 2016 Meeting
Special Meeting

Members & Staff Present:     
Colleen Giffin (Staff)   John Giffin (Chair)    Ron Haggett (Co-Chair)
Shelley Nelkens (Member) Frank Scales (Member)   

Members & Staff Absent:  Ray Ledger wood (Member)          

6:00 PM Special Meeting
Notice is hereby given that a special meeting will be held at 6:00 PM Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at the
at the Antrim Town Hall concerning the discussion and passible election of William Bryk as an alternate for the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Chair Giffin opened the special meeting at 6:00 pm.

Chair Giffin explained that the meeting was to discuss the application of William Bryk. Who was applying to be an alternate on the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

There was a short discussion about Mr. Bryk resume.  

Chair Giffin asked Ms. Giffin to prepare the letters to the Select board and Town Administrator asking for them to approve
William Bryk as an Alternate member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Motion: Ms. Nelkens moved to accept Mr. Bryk’s application for Zoning Board Alternate. Mr. Scales seconded the motion.
Vote: By a voice vote, all agreed.
Business Meeting:       
Approve Minutes of September 20, 2016
Mr. Haggett moved to accept the minutes as presented. Ms. Nelkens seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Motion:   Mr. Scales moved to adjourn; Mr.  Haggett seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned 7:30 pm
Respectfully submitted, Colleen Giffin, Land Use Board Assistant