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September 20, 2016
September 20, 2016
Public Hearing
Case #2016-01 ZBA

Members & Staff Present:     
Colleen Giffin (Staff)   Ron Haggett (Co-Chair) Ray Ledger wood (Member)   Shelley Nelkens (Member) Frank Scales (Member)    

Members & Staff Absent:  John Giffin (Chair)         

Public Attendees: Patrick Battaglia, Gretchen Lyons, Michael Frosch, William Bryk, Marguerite Roberts

7:00PM Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at 7:00 pm on September 20, 2016 at
the Antrim Town Hall on the request of Patrick Battaglia & Gretchen Lyons for a variance from
Article IV Section C. 3a, (Minimum front yard depth for all uses and structures shall be
50 feet a measured from the street right-of-way.)Section C 3b1 (Minimum side yard
depth shall be: Principal structures and accessory structures with more than 120
square feet of floor area - 20 feet each side.)Section C 3b2 Accessory structures
with less than 120 square feet of floor area: Interior lot line - 5 feet) to permit the
addition of a garage on  property located at  40 Concord  Street (Tax Map 102, Lot 54),
Antrim, NH 03440 in the Village Business District.

Co-Chair Haggett opened the meeting at 7PM.  He introduced the ZBA members
and explained the Public Hearing procedure.

The Public Notice was read. The secretary noted that all abutters’ certified mail had
return receipts with no letters or comments from the abutters. The Public Notice
had been posted in the two [2] Town Hall bulletin boards, the Post Office and on the website.
Co-Chair Haggett did explain to the applicant the Public Notice in The Villager
was not published ten days or more before the hearing and it is the applicant’s choice to postpone the hearing until this can be done.
Co-Chair Haggett also pointed out that there were only four members present
for the hearing and if the applicant want all the members of the Board present they could postpone the meeting.

Mr. Battaglia answered that he would like to proceed with the hearing

Co-Chair Haggett asked Mr. Battaglia to present his application.
Mr. Battaglia  explained to the Board about the two car garage with a 12 pitch
roof that will match the existing house with the door facing the street. There will be door leading into the basement from the garage.
Co-Chair Haggett asked Mr. Battaglia if he was intending to use the driveway
and curb cut that already existed for the garage. He also asked about how close he would be coming to the side set back.

Co-Chair Haggett asked of any of the Board members had any questions.
Mr. Ledgerwood asked for an explanation about the distance from the road to the garage and about the retaining wall.

Co-Chair Haggett opened  the meeting to the public. Ms. Roberts asked for a
picture of the driveway. Mr. Battaglia asked Ms. Nelkens if he could use her
picture from her packet to show Ms. Roberts. Ms. Roberts is concerned that
Mr. Battaglia already has two driveways. She is also concerned that
Mr. Battaglia will not follow the zoning ordinances and build beyond the lot line.

Co-Chair Haggett closed the public meeting.
Ms. Nelkens felt that because all the buildings are already non-conforming in that area that this building would be no different.
Motion:  Mr. Ledgerwood made a motion to accept Battaglia’s application the motion was seconded by Co-Chair Haggett
Roll Call Vote:  Nelkens yes, Ledgerwood yes, Haggett yes, Scales yes.

Business Meeting:       
  Mr. Ledgerwood  moved to accept the minutes of July 5, 2016 as presented.
 Mr. Scales seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Motion:   Mr. Ledgerwood moved to adjourn, Mr.  Haggett seconded the motion.

Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned  7:35pm
Respectfully submitted, Colleen Giffin, Land Use Board Assistant

Suggested motion for approval of the application
For Zoning Board of Adjustments

Name:   Patrick Battaglia & Gretchen Lyons

File #: 2016-01 ZBA      Map #:102       Lot #: 54

Move to approve (disapprove) the application
Patrick Battaglia & Gretchen Lyons for a
variance from Article IV Section C. 3a, (Minimum front yard depth for all uses and
structures shall be 50 feet a measured from the street right-of-way.)Section C 3b1
(Minimum side yard depth shall be: Principal structures and accessory structures
with more than 120 square feet of floor area - 20 feet each side.)Section C 3b2
Accessory structures with less than 120 square feet of floor area: Interior lot line - 5 feet)
to permit the addition of a garage on  property located at  40 Concord  Street
(Tax Map 102, Lot 54), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Village Business District.
The following conditions apply to this approval:
Zoning Board of Adjustment requirements, commitments and agreements
made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes
dated September 20, 2016 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant shall obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.

Article IV Section C 3.b.1. (Minimum side yard depth shall be: Principal structures
and accessory structures with more than 120 square feet of floor area - 20 feet each side.)
The structure will be no more than two feet into the side set back. Leaving 18 feet of the 20-foot side set back.

Motion to Accept                                                         Date: 9/20/2016

Motion made by:  Mr. Ledgerwood Motion seconded by: Mr. Haggett

Ron Haggett
Ray Ledgerwood
Shelley Nelkens
Frank Scales