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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 10/27/2015
October 27, 2015 Meeting
Public Hearing Landis, Elizabeth
Case #2015-03ZBA

Members & Staff Present:     
Colleen Giffin (Staff)     Ron Haggett (Co-Chair)           Ray Ledger wood (Member)     
Shelley Nelkens (Alternate)      John Kendall (Alternate)   Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)             Frank Scales (Member)  

Members & Staff Absent:     John Giffin (Chair)  

Public Attendees: Fieldstone Consultant Chris Guida, Elizabeth Landis, Meg Cowan
7:00PM Public Meeting

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at 7:00 PM Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at the Antrim Town Hall on the request of Elizabeth Landis by and through her agent, Fieldstone Consultants for a Variance from Article XI-A, Sections 14 & 15 of the Shoreland Protection District to permit the renovation and reconstruction of an existing non-conforming single family residential dwelling located at 100 Gregg Lake Road (Tax Map 101, Lot 20), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Lakefront Residential and Shoreland Protection Districts.

Vice Chair Haggett opened the meeting at 7:05.

The Land Use Board Assistant read the Public Notice, which had been noticed (advertised) in the Ledger Transcript on October 20, 2015, had been posted on the inside, outside of the Town Hall bulletin board, and in the Post Office on the Community bulletin board. All abutters had been properly notified with certified mail.

The procedure was explained to the public attendees.

Fieldstone rep Chris Guida introduced himself and gave his credentials.
Mr. Guida displayed a large full size color Diagram and proceeded to explain why Elizabeth Landis proposed to rebuild and enlarge her camp.
Mr. Guida explained that the camp and the smaller sheds were unsafe and out dated and had been
The camp itself will be made into a two bedroom year round dwelling.
A new septic tank will be added.
At the present time, the camp draws its water from Gregg Lake, but a new well will be drilled.
It was asked how much of the vegetation would be left. Mr. Guida stated that all the vegetation that is already around the camp would be staying minus a few trees that had been removed for  construction purposes. In addition, new vegetation will be added where the old sheds once stood.
Mr. Kendall asked if the Department of Environmental Services would be concerned about the leach field being within 50 ft. of the lake. Mr. Guida stated that the leach field had sixty-five feet of frontage.
Vice Chair Haggett asked about when construction would start. Mr. Guida said the leach field is in and they would like to start pouring the cement footings as soon as possible.
Mr. Guida read off the variance criteria from pages one and two to the satisfaction of the board.  

Public Hearing:  The Board members were satisfied.

Deliberation: The Board concurred that the criteria had been satisfied.

The Board issued these following conditions for final approval:

The Architectural drawings and Department of Environmental Services approval will be filed with the permanent record of case #2015-03ZBA and with the Town Building Inspector.

Mr. Ledgerwood moved to approve the Variance request from Article XI-A, Sections 14 & 15 of the Shoreland Protection District to permit the renovation and reconstruction of an existing non-conforming single family residential dwelling located at 100 Gregg Lake Road (Tax Map 101, Lot 20), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Lakefront Residential and Shoreland Protection Districts including the leach field area approved by the state


Motion to Approve Date: October 27, 2015

Motion made by:    Ray Ledgerwood              Motion seconded by: Shelley Nelkens

Ron Haggett
Ray Ledgerwood
Shelley Nelkens
Frank Scales
The variance was unanimously approved by the 4 members.

Business Meeting:       

Approve Minutes of July 21 2015

Mr. Ledgerwood moved to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. Scales seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Approve Minutes of September 3, 2015
Mr. Ledgerwood moved to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. Scales seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved.

A discussion ensued about the ZBA court hearing. The Board agreed that if the case does go to court a Board Member would be present.

At8:00 PM,   Mr. Ledgerwood moved to adjourn; Mr.  Scales seconded. All approved. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Colleen Giffin, Land Use Board Assistant