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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 09/16/2014
Agenda for September 16, 2014 Meeting
Hendricks Variance

Members & Staff Present:     
Diane Chauncey (Staff)     Ron Haggett (Member)     John Kendall (Chair)                
Frank Scales (Member       Shelley Nelkens (Alternate)    Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)
Ray Ledger wood (Member)     
Members & Staff Absent:  John Giffin (Member)                                                                   
Public Attendees:   Christopher Hendricks   Steve MacDonald     Roderick Pratte

7:00PM Public Meeting:

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at 7:00 PM Tuesday, September 16, 2014 at the Antrim Town Hall on the request of Christopher Hendrick for a variance from Article VII Section D. d. (Minimum front yard setback) to permit an addition to an existing garage on property located at 74 West Street (Tax Map 242, Lot 19), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Rural District.

Chair Kendall opened the meeting at 7PM and appointed Ms. Nelkens to sit for the absent Mr. Giffin. He introduced the ZBA members and explained the Public Hearing procedure.

The Public Notice was read. The secretary noted that all abutters’ certified mail had return receipts with no letters or comments from the abutters. The Public Notice had been posted in the two [2] Town Hall bulletin boards, the Post Office, The Villager, and on the website.

Chair Kendall asked Mr. Hendricks to present his application.

Mr. Hendricks stated that his existing garage which he used as a workshop was not large enough. He proposed to add on an addition (15’ x 30’) to the current structure, parallel to the road (West St). He stated that he was limited by the leach field, well, and drainage issues which are in the back of the structures. The proposed addition was the only place to site the new structure.

Mr. Hendricks creates custom furniture. There will be no retail traffic. Mr. Hendricks may pave the existing driveway. He started that there would be no change in the exterior lighting (two [2] flood lights are currently on the property.

Chair Kendall asked for questions from the Board members. There were no further questions. Chair Kendall opened the Public Hearing.

Public Hearing:

Chair Kendall asked if any abutter wished to speak in favor of the application.
  • Mr. & Mrs. Pratte were in favor of the proposal
  • Mr. MacDonald stated that he saw no reason to deny the application.
Chair Kendall asked if ay abutters wished to speak in opposition to the application. There were none.

Chair Kendall asked for any further comments. There were none. The Public Hearing was closed.


Chair Kendall stated that the Variance criteria must be satisfied.

  • The variance is not contrary to the public interest.
  • The spirit of the ordinance is observed.
  • Substantial justice is done.
  • The value of surrounding properties is not diminished.
  • Literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship.
Mr. Scales stated that he had initially been concerned with the side setback, but said that the setback was adequate.

Mr. Haggett stated that he felt the criteria had been satisfied and that Mr. Hendricks business needs the addition for his business.  He saw no problem with the application.

Mr. Ledgerwood stated that he thought it was a reasonable request and that he saw no negative aspect.

Chair Kendall stated that he was concerned with the closeness to the road. He said that the requested relief was fifteen feet [15’] but he thought that sixteen feet [16’] should be allowed.

Motion: Mr. Scales moved the addition to the existing garage shall not exceed sixteen [16’] in width. Mr. Haggett seconded. By a voice vote, all members approved the condition.

Motion: Mr. Haggett moved to approve the application by Christopher Hendrick for a variance from Article VII Section D. d. (Minimum front yard setback) to permit an addition to an existing garage on  property located at 74 West  Street (Tax Map 242, Lot 19), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Rural District; with the following conditions:

Zoning Board of Adjustment requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated September 16, 2014and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
This approval remains valid if exercised within two [2] years of the dated of the meeting at which it were approved.
The applicant shall obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
The addition to the existing garage shall not exceed sixteen feet (16’) in width parallel to the road and shall not encroach any closer to the road than the existing garage.
The current front setback of twenty seven feet [27’] of the existing garage shall be changed.

Mr. Scales seconded.


John Giffin
Ron Haggett
John Kendall
Ray Ledgerwood
Shelley Nelkens (Alternate)
Frank Scales

The variance request was unanimously GRANTED. Chair Kendall the applicant that “any person affected has a right to appeal the decision. Anyone wishing to appeal, must act within thirty days for the date of the Notice of Decision.

A Notice of Decision will be issued within five [5] business days.

Business Meeting:       

Approve September 2, 2014 Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes were unanimously approved, as amended.

Packets for the Pitchard Variance on September 23, 2014

A 7 PM, Mr. Scales moved to adjourn; Ms. Nelkens seconded. All approved. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane Chauncey, On Behalf of the Antrim Zoning Board of Adjustment