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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 08/11/09
Site Walk - Tuttle Hill
August 11, 2009 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:   Diane Chauncey (Staff)        Doug Crafts (Member)
Ron Haggett (Member)    John Giffin (Member)             John Kendall (Chair)                   
Peter Moore (Planner)                   Frank Scales (Member -Town Hall, only)                                                                                          
Members & Staff Absent:         Don Winchester (Alternate)  

Public Attendees:               Annie Law (Resident)            Robert Cleland (Resident)
Gordon Webber (Selectmen)       Ellen Druan (Abutter)           Richard Block (Resident)        
Michael Pon (The Villager)
Drew Kenworthy (Eolian Renewable Energy, LLC)
John Soininen (Eolian Renewable Energy. LLC)
Peter Beblowski (Resident, Chair of Con Com)

Business Meeting:       
Approve meeting minutes of July 28, 2009 Mr. Haggett moved to approve the minutes of July 28, 2009 as amended. Mr. Scales seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.

Weather: Hot, humid, partly cloudy, buggy

5:00 Meet at Town Hall  for continued Public Meeting:

Continued Public Meeting for an Area Variance request by Antrim Wind Energy LLC for the height of a meteorological tower proposed to be constructed on property located at 354 Keene Road (Map 212, Lot 30) in Antrim, NH located in the Rural Conservation District. Site walk – hike to height of land on Tuttle Hill to view proposed meteorological tower site.

Carpool to 354 Keene Road and then proceed up a well-marked trail - muddy, wet, and steep in places. At the location of the proposed meteorological tower (the top of Tuttle Hill), Mr. Kenworthy explained the construction of the tower, its placement, and the location of the pegs that will anchor the guy wires. After Mr. Kenworthy and Mr. Soininen answered questions from the group, the participants traveled back to the bottom. The meeting will be continued August 18, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall.

At 7:15 pm, Mr. Haggett moved to adjourn the Public Meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Crafts, and approved.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane M. Chauncey
Planning Assistant, On Behalf of the Antrim Zoning Board of Adjustment