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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 06/23/09

June 23, 2009 Meeting
Site Walk - Peterborough & Antrim
#2009-01ZBA (continued)
New Cingular Wireless PCC (AT&T) PWSF (Cell Tower)

Members & Staff Present:         Diane Chauncey (Staff)  Doug Crafts (Member) Cell Towers only
Ron Haggett (Member)     John Kendall (Chair)            Peter Moore (Planner)              
Frank Scales (Member)                                   
Members & Staff Absent:          Don Winchester (Alternate)     John Giffin (Member
Public Attendees:   Peter Burwen (Abutter)              Maureen Watts (Abutter)
Shannon McManus (KJK Wireless)                  Susan Boyle (Attorney, Anderson & Kreiger)                               
6:30 Town Hall
 Meet and then carpool to Peterborough

Weather :Cloudy, humid, mosquitoes, 60's, drizzly, then rain

6:30pm Public Meeting beginning at Town Hall
ZBA members, Staff, and the Burwen/Watts family carpooled to Peterborough where they met up with the other Public Attendees.

Off Hancock Road (Rt 202) - 110' monopine

Chair Kendall opened the continued Public Meeting at 7:05pm, introduced himself, and the Board members.  Chair Kendall recognized Mr. Burwen who questioned Ms. McManus about the change in site viewing. She explained that Crown Castle, owner of the Deering Cell Tower facility did not want the liability of a site walk.  Ms. McManus had then arranged viewings of two Peterborough Cell Tower Facilities. The group then viewed the under construction facility. The 110' pole was in place with most of the 'pine' installed. The 100' x 100' pad, one maintenance building, and the generator had been constructed. The chain link fence was under construction. This tower is not presently operating.

49 High Street (Monadnock Country Club) - 127' monopole
The group reassembled at the 127' monopole that has a 50' x 50' pad and two maintenance buildings. There were questions about the generator and its operating schedule. Ms. McManus said she would inquire about this concern. She said that not all cell tower facilities used generators - some depended on batteries.

Town of Antrim Water Tank  - Pleasant Street
Chair Kendall had requested that the Board view the  Town of Antrim Water Tank (Map 245 Lot 20 on Pleasant Street  in the Rural District) as a viable alternative site to the proposed site.

Mr. Burwen had submitted three emails: "Change of Site without notification per June 16, 2009" (expressing his concern that the Deering Cell Tower would not be part of the site walk) and "Cell Tower Bias in Independent Studies and Attached Antrim Property Impact letter" (comments on the June 16, 2009 ZBA Meeting concerning the RF Engineer Report, the Property Impact Study Report, and the Balloon Test), and a petition signed by 34 residents who signed as "concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to DECLINE THE REQUEST FOR SPECIAL ZONING EXCEPTION FOR PWSF  (personal wireless service facility i.e. a cell tower). The hard copies of these electronic communications are in the Town Hall minutes.

Ms. Constance Vandervort had submitted a letter to the ZBA expressing her concern and opposition to the June 16, 2009 meeting. Her letter is part of the Town Hall minutes.

At 8:00pm, Mr. Haggett moved to close this portion of the Public Meeting that will be continued at Town Hall on June 30, 2009 at 7:00 pm. It was seconded by Mr. Scales, and approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Chauncey, Planning Assistant,
On Behalf of the Antrim Zoning Board of Adjustment