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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 04/07/09
April 7, 2009 Meeting
Members & Staff Present:    Diane Chauncey            Doug Crafts                 John Giffin       
Ron Haggett                             John Kendall                Frank Scales                Paul Vasques               
Paul Young      
Members & Staff Absent:   Len Pagano        Don Winchester 
Public Attendees:       None   
Work Session:  Chair Kendall convened the meeting at 7:13 pm.
Approval of Minutes:   Mr. Haggett moved to accept the Zoning Board of Adjustment minutes of March 17, 2009 as written It was seconded by Mr. Young, and unanimously agreed upon.
Falcigno: Town Counsel letter regarding rights of ways
File#2008-18ZBA, Falcigno, Paul & Theresa, Map 214 Lot 76, 60 Wheeler's Cover Road
            Mr. Vasques recused himself from the discussion due to conflict of interest.
            After a lengthy discussion of the ZBA's decision process, the Antrim Zoning Ordinance, past court decisions, etc., the Board decided that on May 12, 2009, the Board would meet at 60 Wheeler's Cove Road to view the carport. Following the Site Walk, the Board will meet at Town Hall.
New Cingular Wireless (AT&T) #2009-01ZBA Map 244 Lot 6, Dunlap, 22 High Street:
            Selection of a Radio Frequency Engineer - Review Hutchins proposal & background  -
                        Mark Hutchins - Radiofrequency Engineer of Brattleboro, Vt., has sent a proposal
                        for a technical review of the New Cingular Wireless, PCS (AT&T) application.
                        Mr. Hutchins would do an application review, as well as, meet with the Board to
                        review his conclusions. 
            Review responses from references (Diane)
                        Diane had called the RF Engineer's references and three of the four municipalities
                        said that Mr. Hutchins had been timely, appropriate, stayed within their estimate, very
                        detailed, and no negative comments. The fourth municipality did not return the
                        call. The estimate ($9000.) would be placed in an escrow account
            Decision to hire RF Engineer
                        A motion will be drafted for the April 14, 2009 meeting.
                        A roll call vote will be required.
            Decision regarding Site Walk
                        The Board discussed a potential walk on the Dunlap property. They discussed the
                        abutters' concerns, and would like to request permission from the abutters to view the
                        Dunlap property from their parcels. A motion will be drafted for the April 14, 2009                   meeting. A Roll Call vote will be required The proposed date for the Site walk is                             Tuesday, May 5, 2009.
            Balloon/crane Test
                        The balloon/crane test will be discussed at the April 14,
            Additional comments submitted by Peter Burwen
                        Mr. Peter Burwen of 11 Maple Avenue has submitted 2 additional responses to the
                        AT&T application. The Board members have received the documents and the                           documents have been added to the Abutters' Documentation folder. The documents
                        will be sent to the applicant and distributed at the April 14th meeting.
 Business Meeting:
            Terms expire for Kendall, Young & Pagano. – Need to reappoint or select new
                                    Mr. Young nominated Mr. Kendall to continue as Chairperson. Mr. Giffin
                                    seconded the nomination. The vote was unanimous.
                                    Mr. Haggett nominated Mr. Young to continue as Vice-Chairperson. Mr. Crafts
                                    seconded the nomination. The vote was unanimous.
                                    Chair Kendall suggested that Mr. Haggett change from Alternate to Member;
                                    and that Mr. Pagano change from Member to Alternate. Chair Kendall will
                                    discuss the change with Mr. Pagano. When finalized, the Selectmen will be
                                    asked to make the appointments recommended by the Board.
            Fee Schedule: Possible revision for cell towers & wind farms
                        Mr. Vasques explained that the current fee schedule is no longer appropriate for
                        larger projects such as Cell Towers and Wind Farms. The Planning Staff
                        will review the charges of other towns and report back to the Board.


            Francestown: AT&T cell tower. Site walk April 18, 2009
                        Note specific requirements for the walk                        
Respectfully submitted,
Diane M. Chauncey, Planning Assistant, On Behalf of the Antrim Zoning Board of Adjustment