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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 06/03/08

June 3, 2008

Members & Staff Present:                John Kendall (Chair)                    Doug Crafts (member     
Bradley Houseworth (Staff)              Paul Young (Vice Chair)          Frank Scales (Alternate)
Diane Chauncey (Staff)          

Member & Staff Absent:           Don Winchester (Alternate,             John Giffin (Member),
Len Pagano (Member),             Ron Haggett (Alternate)

Public Attendees:                       Kathleen & Richard Corazzini (Applicants)

Chair Kendall convened the meeting at 7:15PM, introduced himself, the board members, and the staff.
Chair Kendall explained that there were three members present and that Frank Scales (Alternate) would sit for John Giffin (Member).

Corazzini, Richard & Kathleen, File #2008-07ZBA:Chair Kendall opened the public meeting at the request of Richard & Kathleen Corazzini for an Area Variance from Article IX, Section C.4 to permit the construction for a carport within the seventy-five foot (75’) front yard setback on property located at 17 Salmon Brook Rd. (Tax Map 223, Lot 3) in the Rural Conservation District.

Public Meeting:  Chair Kendall asked Mr. Corazzini to present his proposal. The applicants would like to construct a carport in the seventy-five foot setback to protect their vehicle from inclement weather, falling branches, and personal convenience. Their home is an existing non-conforming structure partially within the seventy-five foot (75') front yard setback. The carport would be constructed forty feet (40’) from the edge of Salmon Brook Road (a Class V and VI road). Mr. Corazzini attests that the lot’s steep slope features mandate the structure’s position. The steepness prohibits an alternative placement. Mr. & Mrs. Corazzini propose a ‘covered bridge’ style carport that will not be seen from the road and will enhance their property.
Public Hearing: Chair Kendall asked if there had been any letters of concern. There were none. Mr. Houseworth said that all the receipts had been returned and that no letters, phone calls, or in-person requests had been made. Chair Kendall asked if there were any to speak in favor of the proposal; any against? There were none. Mr. Young moved to close the public hearing ; which was seconded by Mr. Scales.
Deliberation: The Board members reviewed the plot plan with proposed carport. Mr. Corazzini explained that the structure would be ten feet (10’) wide with a two-foot (2’) overhang. The Board members had a short discussion concerning the Area Variance. Mr. Young moves the question to approve construction of a carport in the 75’ front yard setback; seconded by Mr. Scales.

Roll Call Vote for Area Variance to permit the construction of a carport in the 75’ front yard setback.
1. The value of surrounding properties will not be diminished: Young, aye; Scales, aye; Crafts, aye     
2. The variance will not be contrary to the public interest:  Young, aye; Scales, aye; Crafts, aye      
3. Special conditions exist such that literal enforcement of the ordinance results in unnecessary       hardship as follows:
        a. An area variance is needed to enable the applicant’s proposed use of the property given the      special conditions of the property:  Young, aye; Scales, aye; Crafts, aye
        b. The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some other method reasonably
             feasible method for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance:
        Young, aye; Scales, aye; Crafts, aye         
4. Substantial justice is done:  Young, aye; Scales, aye; Crafts, aye
5. The variance is consistent with the spirit of the ordinance: Young, aye; Scales, aye; Crafts, aye
The Area Variance was unanimously approved with two (2) Conditions of Approval:
        1. The carport may not exceed the ten foot by twenty-four (10' x 24') footprint.
        2. The location of the carport is a minimum of forty feet (40') from the edge of Salmon Brook           Road.
The Notice of Decision (with the two Conditions of Approval) will be sent within 30 days.

Approve ZBA Meeting Minutes: Mr. Young moved to accept the April 1, 2008 minutes  as presented; which Mr. Scales seconded.

Business Meeting:
        Breezy Point Condominium Assoc. v. Town of  Antrim – Public Access Issue – The Town of          Antrim's public access to Pierce Lake is being challenged by the Breezy Point Association       At this point, it is in the hands of Town Counsel.      
        Impact of the Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act on the Town of Antrim’s downtown           Village Business District – Request for a meeting with Town of Antrim and NH DES
                Arlene Allen (DES Representative will come to talk with Antrim at a future date)
        Comprehensive Shoreland Protection Act Standards RSA 483-B
                In reference to the above Shoreland Protection Act, Mr. Houseworth introduced further
                Shoreland Protection information – the Fact Sheet dated July 2008. The ZBA Board
                was interested in how the Board would apply the information presented in the fact sheet
                to the Town of Antrim’s Zoning Ordinance.
        The Critical Edge – News about the CSPA from the DES Shoreland Program This is a                      newsletter created to provide timely information to the public for waterfront property.
        Code Enforcement Letter – Collette & Andrew Ryan - This concerns a dock that crosses the
                neighbor's property line. The Ryans need to get NHDES permit or a Notice of                     Violation will be issued.
Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars:  The Department of Environmental Services (DES) invites the Board members to participate in Weed Watcher training at Gregg Lake on July 19, 2008 at 9 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane M. Chauncey