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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 03/25/08

March 25, 2008 Meeting

Member & Staff Present:         Diane Chauncey (Staff),           Doug Crafts (Member),   John Giffin (Member), Ron Haggett (Alternate),          Bradley Houseworth (Staff),     John Kendall (Chair),                 Len Pagano (Member),      Frank Scales (Alternate),       Paul Young (Vice Chair)
Member & Staff Absent:          Don Winchester (Alternate)
Public Attendees:               Joseph Koziell,                    Andrew Robblee,
Carol Rosario (abutter)
Chair Kendall convened the meeting at 7:15 PM, introduced himself, and asked the Board members to introduce themselves.  

Koziell, Joseph & Katherine; File #2008-03ZBA, Area Variance Request: Chair Kendall opened the public meeting at the request of Joseph & Katharine Koziell for an area variance from Article IV, Section C.2.d of the Antrim Zoning Ordinances to permit the construction of a proposed, commercial warehouse and storage facility (11,000+ sq. ft.) on an existing, non-conforming lot located at 4 Contoocook Valley Avenue (Tax Map 232, Lot 48) in Antrim, NH 03440, located in the Village Business District.  Chair Kendall asked Mr. Koziell to present his proposal to the Board, which he did.

Chair Kendall asked the Board for questions or concerns.  Numerous questions from all Board members resulted in the following description (by the applicant) of the new facility request.  The proposed new six unit (20' x 60' per unit) commercial warehouse and storage facility with 14' overhead doors will be a steel building with a pitched roof built by Morton Buildings. The building will be a "shell of a building" with electricity but not requiring water or septic as its only purpose will be to store large vehicles (such as motor homes, boats, contractor vehicles). The applicant will consider Stormwater drainage. The facility is to be placed on a former, level gravel pit with special attention given to the banking and berms surrounding the site.  The applicant requests an area variance because the existing lot size is 68,000sq. ft.; 90,000 sq. ft lot is required for commercial buildings if the lot is not connected to the Town water and sewer system. Those services are not required for this structure so additional land for septic system is not necessary.

Public Hearing: Chair Kendall closed the public meeting and opened the public hearing.  At this time, the only public attendee was Mr. Robblee.  Chair Kendall asked the following: Abutters in favor of the proposal? There was none. Abutters not in favor of the proposal? There was none. Any letters? There were none submitted to the Planning Department.  Mr. Houseworth added that all but one of the certified letter return receipts had been retuned and that the Maplewood Cemetery had no comment on the proposal.

At this time, Carol Rosario (abutter and co-owner of the T/C Storage Enterprises facility across the street [Tax Map 232, Lot 57]) joined the meeting and was given the information that had transpired up to this stage of the meeting.  Mrs. Rosario said that her main concern was that if the applicant is granted the area variance in this case, does it set a precedent for future storage facility proposals being established in the Village Business District. Several Board members assured Mrs. Rosario that each variance request is unique, the merits are analyzed individually with regard to the spirit of the ordinance, and that requests is for warehouses or storage facilities are permitted use within the Village Business District In addition, Mr. Houseworth explained that if this area variance is granted, the applicant will have to appear in front of the Planning Board for a major site plan review, which addresses all issues related to this new structure including parking, traffic, lighting, stormwater drainage, etc.  Chair Kendall closed the public hearing and re-opened the public meeting for the Boards' deliberative session regarding the merits of the proposal.

Deliberation: Chair Kendall asked Mr. Houseworth to read aloud the five (5) criteria that must be met for an area variance to be granted and Mr. Koziell's responses to each.  Mr. Young saw no reason for the area variance not to be granted.  Mr. Giffin questioned a residential and commercial enterprise being on the same lot.  Mr. Houseworth assured him that this occurs frequently in the Village Business District, although this particular lot was the most northerly boundary of the Village District. In addition, he pointed out that the Planning Board has already granted approval for an existing multi-family dwelling on this lot that is comprised of both residential and commercial uses.  Mr. Pagano questioned volumetrically the size of the building in relation to the size of the lot. Mr. Young said there already existed a large building on the lot and felt that many lots in the area have large buildings on them.  Chair Kendall felt that the 90,000 sq ft ordinance was there for a reason and should be considered and wants a visual of the building in relation to the lot.  Mr. Young felt it was not a responsibility of the Zoning Board to decide the way a building should look; it should just be a reasonable looking building. Mr. Koziell stated that the abutters would be able to see some of the roof, but the building would not stand out like a lighthouse, as the lot in question is lower than the surrounding lots.  Mr. Young requested to move the question.  Mr. Giffin made a motion to have a site walk, which was seconded by Mr. Pagano.  The Roll Call Vote follows:  3 Ayes - J. Giffin, L. Pagano, J. Kendall; 2 Nays - P. Young, D. Crafts.  The motion to have a site walk passed.  It will be noted in 2 public places that the site walk will occur at 4 Contoocook Valley Ave on Friday, March 28, 2008 at 9:15 AM.  Mr. Koziell gave permission for the public and abutters to be allowed onto his property during the Boards' site walk.

The deliberation of the variance and public meeting will be continued from the March 28 site walk to the Board's next Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 1, 2008 at Antrim Town Hall at 7:15 PM.

Updated Zoning Board of Adjustment Roster:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with an updated roster of the current members and alternates of the Zoning Board.  He explained that there are two (2) alternate positions open on the Board and to please advise anyone interested in joining the Board to talk with the Planning Department.

Mr. Young moved to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Crafts and was unanimously passed. Chair Kendall adjourned the meeting at 8:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Chauncey, Support Staff
Zoning Board of Adjustment