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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 11/13/07
November 13, 2007 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                Doug Crafts                     John Giffin     
        Ron Haggett                     Bradley Houseworth              Frank Scales                    Laurie Lemons           Don Winchester                                          
Member & Staff Absent:                  Carol Court                     John Kendall
        Len Pagano                      Paul Young
Public Attendees:                       Tom Davis                       Joyce Davis

Chair Winchester convened the meeting at 7:15 PM, introduced himself, asked the Board members to introduce themselves, and appointed Mr. Giffin to sit for Mr. Pagano; Mr. Crafts to sit for Mr. Kendall and Mr. Haggett to sit for Mr. Young.  

Davis, Thomas & Joyce; File# 2007-17ZBA; Special Exception:  Chair Winchester opened the public meeting on the request of Thomas & Joyce Davis for a use variance from Article XVI, Section A.1. and a special exception from Article V, Section B.3.a., to permit the establishment of a conversion apartment, within the existing, non-conforming structure, on property located at 203 Keene Road (Tax Map 213, Lot 16), Antrim, NH 03440, located in the Highway Business District.

"       After a short discussion among the members and staff regarding whether this proposal necessitates that a use variance be granted prior to the granting of a special exception to establish a conversion apartment within an existing, non-conforming single family home, Mr. Haggett moved that a use variance is not required in this particular case, which was seconded by Mr. Crafts and was unanimously approved.  Mr. Haggett explained that because conversion apartments are allowed by special exception within this district, a use variance is not required.  The Board deemed that the addition of another use to an existing, non-conforming structure does not require a use variance.
"       Mr. Davis explained that he and his wife own the property, it has been in the family for years, and it was traditionally used as a summer camp by the family.
"       He stated that it is a three (3) bedroom home, with two (2) existing full bathrooms, served by an artesian well, and there are no proposed changes to the septic system.
"       Additions to the structure include a new, small kitchen and an interior door.  No other interior changes are proposed and there will be no exterior changes, no enlargement of the building footprint, and no enlargement of area or livable space.
"       Mr. Davis stated that their 81 year old Aunt, Ms. Barbara Elia, has life tenancy to this home, and they are proposing the addition of the conversion apartment so that their daughter, who will be returning from 6 years of active duty in the Navy, can live in the separate apartment and be able to provide some support and care for Ms. Elia.

Chair Winchester closed the public meeting, opened the public hearing, and asked if anyone present would like to speak either in favor or against the proposal; there was no response.  He asked the staff if any abutter letters were received regarding this proposal; Mr. Houseworth confirmed that none were received.  Mr. Haggett moved to close the public hearing, which was seconded by Mr. Giffin, and was unanimously approved.  Chair Winchester closed the public hearing, opened the public meeting for the Boards' deliberation period, and asked if the members had any additional questions; there were none.  Mr. Haggett moved to go to roll call vote on the special exception and conversion apartment conditions, which was seconded by Mr. Scales and unanimously passed.

The Board reviewed the conditions that need to be met prior to granting a special exception for a conversion apartment in Article XIII Section D.1 a-h and confirmed that the proposal meets all eight criteria listed.  The Board then reviewed the general conditions which must be met for all special exceptions (Article XIII, Section A):

1.      The proposed use may be similar to one or more of the uses already authorized in the district and is an appropriate location for such a use.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Scales - aye, Mr. Crafts - aye, Mr. Giffin - aye, Mr. Haggett - aye.  
2.      Such approval would not adversely affect the neighborhood, nor otherwise be injurious, obnoxious or offensive. .  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Scales - aye, Mr. Crafts - aye, Mr. Giffin - aye, Mr. Haggett - aye.  Unanimously approved.
3.      The use will not create excessive traffic congestion, noise, or odors in the neighborhood where it is proposed. .  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Scales - aye, Mr. Crafts - aye, Mr. Giffin - aye, Mr. Haggett - aye.  Unanimously approved.
4.      Such approval would be consistent with the intent of the zoning ordinance, after having given due consideration to recommendations received from the Planning Board. .  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Scales - aye, Mr. Crafts - aye, Mr. Giffin - aye, Mr. Haggett - aye.  Unanimously approved.
5.      Adequate and appropriate facilities will be provided for the proper operation of the proposed use.  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Scales - aye, Mr. Crafts - aye, Mr. Giffin - aye, Mr. Haggett - aye.  Unanimously approved.
6.      If the proposed special exception is listed in Article XIII, D, then it must meet all conditions of that article.  .  Roll Call Vote: Mr. Scales - aye, Mr. Crafts - aye, Mr. Giffin - aye, Mr. Haggett - aye.  Unanimously approved.

Approve ZBA Meeting Minutes:  Mr. Crafts moved to approve the minutes of the October 30, 2007 Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting as presented, which was seconded by Mr. Haggett and was unanimously approved.

The Riggins Rules:  Members were provided with registration forms for the NH Local Government Center's presentation, "Riggins Rules - A Guideline to Conducting Public Meetings," on December 8, 2007 from 8:30-11:30 am at the Hinsdale Town Hall.

Mr. Crafts moved to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Haggett and was unanimously passed.  Chairman Winchester adjourned the meeting at 8.00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Lemons, Planning Assistant, Antrim Zoning Board of Adjustment