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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 10/02/07
October 2, 2007 Meeting

Members & Staff Present:

John Giffin
Ron Haggett
Bradley Houseworth
Len Pagano
Frank Scales
Paul Young

Member & Staff Absent:  

Carol Court
Doug Crafts
John Kendall
Laurie Lemons
Don WInchester
Public Attendees:

Terry Cutter
Stephen Noble
Vice-Chair Young convened the meeting at 7:15 PM, introduced himself, asked the Board members to introduce themselves, and appointed Mr. Haggett to sit for the absent Mr. Winchester and appointed Mr. Giffin to sit for the absent Mr. Kendall.

Cutter, Terry & Shelly; File #2007-15ZBA; Special Exception for an Oversized Sign in the Village Business District:  Vice-Chair Young opened the public meeting on the request of Cutter Flooring & Furnishings for a Special Exception for an oversized sign in the Village Business District as required by Article XVII (Sign Ordinance), Section E.1 of the Antrim Zoning Ordinances, for property located at 24 Main Street (Tax Map 104, Lot 25) in Antrim, NH 03440.  Vice-Chair Young asked Mr. Cutter to stand up, introduce himself, and present his proposal to the Board.
·       Mr. Cutter presented his request for a special exception for an oversized sign in the Village Business Zoning District.  He is proposing a hand crafted 4’x8’ wall sign to be placed on the exterior of his flooring business to advertise specials.
·       Village Business District permits permanent signs of sixteen square feet & under
·       Article XVII, B.10. states that no more than (1) sign is permitted on a premises or no more than (3) signs are permitted on a lot except by special exception.  The Board has interpreted this as meaning that Cutter Flooring & Furnishings is allowed up to three (3) signs (each 16 sq. ft.) on the property.
·       Mr. Cutter’s proposed, lighted, oversized wall sign of 4’X8’ on the building was deemed to be an eye sore, is not consistent with the intent of the ordinance, and was not acceptable to the Zoning Board.
·       The Board suggested that Mr. Cutter redesign the oversized sign structure to comply with the sign ordinance by having (2) 4’X4’ signs, each framed separately and set side by side, but not connected, to stay compliant with the sign ordinance.
·       Mr. Cutter, as well as the Board, found this to be an acceptable resolution.
·       Mr. Cutter will work with Mr. Parson’s to receive a permit for all three signs.

The Board and applicant came to a resolution which did not require that a special exception be granted or denied for an oversized sign in the Village Business District and therefore the case was dismissed.  The members thanked Mr. Cutter for coming.

Sutherland, Ken & Beverly; File #2007-14ZBA; Area Variance to expand an existing, non-conforming structure within the Lakefront Residential District:  Vice-Chair Young opened the public meeting on the request of Ken & Beverly Sutherland for an area variance to expand a non-conforming structure on property located at 58 Pierce Lake Road, Antrim, NH 03440 (Tax Map 206, Lot 060) in Antrim, NH 03440, located in the Lake Front Residential District.  
·       Neither the Sutherlands nor their contractor showed up for the public hearing.
·       The public hearing was continued, without prejudiced, and will be rescheduled for the Tuesday, 10/16/07, ZBA Meeting.
·       The Board suggested contacting the Sutherlands by phone to let them know that the contractor did not show and it would be in their best interest to appear in front of the Board at the next ZBA meeting on 10/16/07.
·       Mr. Haggett moved to continue the public hearing to the next ZBA meeting on 10/16/07, without prejudice, and to not allow any further extensions if no one shows up again, which was seconded by Mr. Scales and was unanimously approved.  The roll call vote follows: Mr. Giffin - aye, Mr. Haggett – aye, Mr. Pagano – aye, Mr. Scales - aye, and Mr. Young - aye.

Landsite, LLC; File #2007-08ZBA; Vote to Grant or Deny Rehearing Request:  Mr. Houseworth reminded the members that at the August 21, 2007 Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting, the Board granted Landsite, LLC’s request for a rehearing of the Landsite, LLC case (File # 2007-02ZBA) for a special exception to permit the operation of an earth excavation site on properties located on the northwest corner of Elm Avenue and Smith Road in Antrim, NH 03440 (Tax Map 214, Lots 11-13).  He stated that upon the Board granting the rehearing request and scheduling it for Tuesday, September 18, 2007, the applicant, Mr. Burnside, informed the Board that he would like the date to be determined and they will not have enough time to prepare for a September 18, 2007 rehearing meeting.  Mr. Burnside stated that they would need more time and would like the rehearing to be scheduled sometime in the spring of 2008.  Mr. Houseworth stated that, as advised by Town Counsel, Landsite, LLC was given an additional thirty (30) days, beyond September 18, 2007, for the scheduling of the rehearing to occur before October 18, 2007.  He explained that since that time, Landsite, LLC has not responded to the Board’s request to schedule the rehearing, has hired a new attorney to represent them, and now wish to withdraw the original, pending application, without prejudice to a future application.  As advised by Town Counsel, the Zoning Board of Adjustment must now decide tonight whether it will permit the withdrawal of the original application, without prejudice to a future application.  He stated that at 4:06 PM today, he received an e-mail from the applicant, requesting that the Board reschedule this meeting with Landsite, LLC to the next ZBA Meeting on 10/16/07 because Mr. Tom Davis, and the new attorney, Mr. John Cronin, are not available for tonight’s meeting.  After a short discussion, Mr. Haggett moved to continue the meeting with Landsite, LLC to the next ZBA Meeting on 109/16/07 at 7:15 PM at the Antrim Town Hall, which was seconded by Mr. Scales and was unanimously approved.  The roll call vote follows: Mr.Giffin - aye, Mr. Haggett – aye, Mr. Pagano - aye, Mr. Scales - aye, and Mr. Young – aye.

Selectmen’s Appointment of Mr. Haggett to the ZBA & Updated Roster:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a copy of the Selectmen’s September 10, 2007 Meeting Minutes, which state that Mr. Ronald Haggett was appointed to the ZBA as an alternate member of the Board, as requested by the Zoning Board of Adjustment.  He also provided the members with an updated member roster with all the pertinent contact info.

Sawyer, Winslow & Gloria; File #2007-12ZBA; Area Variance:  Winslow & Gloria Sawyer were approved for an area variance from Article XVI, Section C.1., they were permitted to enlarge an existing non-conforming structure with two shed dormers on the second floor of property located at 17 Rachel Lane, Antrim, NH 03440 (Tax Map 101, Lot 15), located in the Lakefront Residential District.  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with a letter, dated September 11, 2007, from the NH Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) regarding the Sawyers’ request for a Shoreland Waiver for their addition of two shed dormers on the second floor of their home at 17 Rachel Lane, Tax Map 101, Lot 15, on Gregg Lake in Antrim, NH.  He explained that the letter states that additional information is needed to clarify and complete the request.  After a short discussion regarding the future procedure for handling variances within the jurisdiction of the Shoreland Protection Act, Mr. Houseworth suggested that we don’t allow an applicant to appear in front of the Board until NH DES has provided their response in regards to whether or not they will grant a Shoreland Waiver for the proposal.
The Board agreed that prior approval from the State, NH DES, needs to be obtained prior to hearing an applicants request in order to eliminate and conflicts of interest.

Approve ZBA Meeting Minutes:  Mr. Haggett moved to approve the minutes of the August 21, 2007 Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting as presented, which was seconded by Mr. Scales and was unanimously passed.

Zoning Board Assignment:  Selectman request for rotation of Zoning Board every (3) three years.  The Board requested that Mr. Houseworth get further clarification on how the Selectman would like to continue with regards to the rotation of Board Members.

NH Office of Energy & Planning (OEP) – 2007 Fall Planning & Zoning Conference:  Mr. Houseworth provided the members with the registration packets and meetings calendar for the NH OEP 2007 Fall Planning & Zoning Conference on Saturday, October 13, 2007 at the Mountain Club on Loon in Lincoln, NH.  He informed the members that the last day to register for this conference is on Friday, October 5, 2007.

Mr. Young moved to adjourn the meeting.  Mr. Pagano seconded the motion which unanimously passed.  Mr. Young adjourned the meeting at 8:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Laurie Lemons, Planning Assistant
Antrim Zoning Board of Adjustment