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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/03/2019
Select Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 3, 2019
7:00 pm Town Hall

Board Members Present: John Robertson, Chair; Michael Genest, Selectman; Robert L. Edwards, Selectman
Staff Present: Donna Hanson, Town Administrator; Scott Lester, Police Chief
Others Present: Peter Beblowski, Conservation Commissioner; Betsey McNaughten and Garret Graaskamp, NH Fish and Game, Phil Brown, NH Audubon Society

Agenda Items:
  • Approval of Minutes – Public
Mr. Edwards moved to accept the meeting minutes of May 20, 2019 as corrected.  Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Approval of Minutes – Non-Public
Mr. Genest moved to accept the meeting minutes of May 20, 2019 as printed.  Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Friends of Willard Pond
Mr. Beblowski said that about six months ago he was contacted by a resident near Willard Pond about some concerns. Some of the concerns relate to swimming at the boat launch and parking on the road.  Chief Lester said he is not getting complaints about boaters being unable to launch their boats and therefore won’t say anything to swimmers that aren’t impeding boat launches. A Friends of Willard Pond group has been formed and has held two meetings. A third meeting is scheduled for June 13, 2019.
Ms. McNaughten explained that Willard Pond Road is a “Road to Public Waters” which means local residents, not necessarily Antrim residents, petitioned the State of NH to build a road to public water. The road is a class V road and is town maintained. Mr. Genest would like to clarify who owns the road. Mr. Beblowski read from deeds he had and will provide copies to the town so the Board can better understand ownership of the road. Back in 1932 when the residents petitioned the State of NH to build the road the program was overseen by the DOT but that is no longer the case. Fish and Game will monitor the area, but jurisdiction of Fish and Game extends only to the turn around and parking lot. Mr. Gaastromp suggested putting up no parking signs within a mile of the beach which would limit the number of people that will access the beach. Chief Lester is concerned about the amount of enforcement that would be required in an area that is at least 20 minutes away.
The Audubon Society owns the property around the pond but has no enforcement authority. They would like to prohibit swimming there as they believe it should be preserved as a sanctuary.
Ms. McNaughten would like to see a collaborative effort between Fish and Game, Audubon, Friends of Willard Pond, and the Antrim Police Department in order to be successful with enforcement.
Chief Lester said they do patrol the area as much as they can but it doesn’t satisfy the individuals that live out there. It is not an area of town where the police can patrol all the time. Mr. Brown said there are a few people that are particularly vocal. Chief Lester said one of those individuals was the only one found to be violating the rules at Willard Pond. Mr. Brown said he does hear feedback that the patrols are making a difference out there.
Ms. Hanson asked what the main complaint is at Willard Pond. Is it swimming, parking, or speeding? Chief Lester said it was probably speeding and parking but they get a lot of complaints about swimming. Mr. Beblowski said the complaints extend to camping as well.
Chief Lester said he is not opposed to putting up no parking signs. There needs to be an ordinance established by the Select Board in order to put up signs.
Mr. Edwards said he would like to see documentation that says the town maintains the road. Ms. McNaughten will look for more information but she also thinks the conservation officer and the land owners that are making these complaints should be coming to these meetings.
Mr. Edwards said he doesn’t want restricted parking to send a message that we don’t want people to come. Mr. Graaskamp said it is a controlled management issue. We can’t accommodate an unlimited amount of people. He said that since there is limited space for parking it becomes a situation of first come, first served and that if rules aren’t observed, enforcement is necessary.
Mr. Genest said we all have more homework to do before we decide what to do. Mr. Brown asked if it was possible to enlarge the parking or mark parking spaces. Mr. Graaskamp said they could look into marking spaces, but it would reduce parking. Enlarging the parking space would invite more visitors which Mr. Graaskamp would object to.
Mr. Robertson asked if we can treat this road as any town road. Ms. McNaughten said yes, except it cannot be discontinued and access cannot be restricted.
  • Antrim Historical Society
There was no one in attendance to speak on behalf of the Historical Society.  It wants to install signs at historical places in town. The BOS thinks it would be a benefit to the town and they could support it but questions remain on the details.
  • Public Auction Review
The Select Board reviewed the properties to be auctioned June 15, 2019 to determine if minimum bids will be required. No decisions were made at this time.
  • Transfer Station Fees
Mr. Genest moved to approve the increased Transfer Station fees. which will go in affect July 1, 2019. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Zoning Board of Appeals Appointment
Mr. Robertson moved to approve Ms. Diane Kendall as an alternate member of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Meetings Attended
Mr. Genest read a report of his trip to Calgary. Report is attached.
Mr. Roberston said he attended the Scholarship Committee meeting. They received 13 scholarship applications this year.
Mr. Edwards attended the Water & Sewer meeting. He will submit the minutes for the meeting.
Administrator Update
  • Ms. Hanson explained the right to know request received from Leigh Bosse regarding the Planning Board’s May 16, 2019 meeting regarding notices posted in community newspapers.
  • Ms. Hanson presented a letter to Deputy Sherry Miller congratulating her on winning the EMS provider of the year. The Select Board members signed the letter.
  • The Select Board will give Ms. Hanson their ideas on what should be included in an agreement with the developers of Mulhall Farm Road regarding the private road.
  • Ms. Hanson will set up two separate meetings with Jim Fredrickson of the ConVal school board about the Antrim Schools Trust Funds and the Antrim Town Gym Floor.
  • Other Business
This was no other business.
  • Non-Public
Mr. Genest moved to go into non-public session NH RSA 91-A:3 II (b) Hiring. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • A vote was taken in non-public to hire: Keenan Wilson, Lily Denehy, Nathaniel Reid, Corey Guzman, Molly Dishong, Izzy Ketchersid, Austin Sloan, Lillian James, and Julia Donovan for the Park and Recreation department.
Mr. Genest moved to return to public meeting at 8:48 PM; Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Hanson, Town Administrator