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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 04/08/2019
Select Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 08, 2019
7:00 pm Town Hall

Board Members Present:, John Robertson, Chair; Michael Genest, Selectman; Robert L. Edwards, Selectman
Staff Present: Donna Hanson, Town Administrator; Jim Plourde, Road Agent; Clark Craig, Transfer Station
Others Present: Ronald Haggett, Lauren Kirkpatrick, Sarah Edwards; Trustee of Trust Funds Michael Connelly

Agenda Items:
  • Approval of Minutes – Public
Mr. Edwards moved to accept the meeting minutes of March 25, 2019 as amended.  Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Approval of Minutes – Non-Public
Mr. Genest moved to accept the minutes of March 25, 2019 as printed. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Trustee of Trust Funds
Mr. Edwards moved to accept the resignation of Mr. Haggett from the Trustee of Trust Funds. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0.  Mr. Genest thanked Mr. Haggett for his service. Mr. Edwards moved to appoint Mr. Michael Connelly as Trustee of Trust Funds. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Transfer Station Update
Mr. Craig said he would like to put up a barrier to the C& D dumpster so ARTS employees can monitor who is using the dumpster more carefully. A question was raised whether contractors should pay more to use the dumpster. Mr. Plourde, Mr. Craig and Ms. Hanson will meet to discuss all transfer station fees. Mr. Edwards asked if there was a way to control the flow of trash thrown into the compactor so it didn’t end up on the ground. Mr. Genest suggested 4x4 plywood on the edges. Mr. Plourde said he will look into it.
Mr. Genest moved to accept the Swap Shop policy. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Highway Department Update
Mr. Plourde investigated a complaint made by Crista Salamy regarding the logging traffic on Depot Street. He said Depot Street is not posted and has never been posted. There are 3 operations in Bennington that are contributing to the increased traffic. Mr. Plourde said he examined the road and there is no damage to the road. Mr. Plourde said he monitored the road for two hours and saw 6 trucks. Ms. Hanson said Chief Lester also monitored the road and there was not a speed issue. Ms. Hanson will forward the complaint to Mr. Genest and Mr. Robertson. Mr. Edwards will reply to the complaint since it was sent to Mr. Edwards. The reply will be reviewed by Mr. Genest and Mr. Robertson before sending.
Mr. Plourde said Craig Road Bridge is nearly complete.
Mr. Plourde is preparing for the start of the closure of West Street due to the start of West Street Bridge replacement on April 22nd.
Mr. Edwards asked about the water standing on Grove Street Bridge. Mr. Plourde said it was not plowed correctly but will be in the future.
Mr. Plourde said the prices for the new truck are the same as what he distributed at Town Meeting. Reed Truck services will provide the cab and chassis and Viking will do the installation. The truck will be an International.
  • Solar Exemption/All Veterans Tax Credit
Mr. Edwards moved to approve the Solar Exemptions and All veterans Tax Credit. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Correspondence
The Select Board acknowledged a letter received from Mr. Skyler C. Wolsey regarding the intersection at T-Bird and Route 202. The Select Board will take no action at this time.
  • Meetings Attended
  • Mr. Edwards attended the Water & Sewer meeting. They approved Underwood Engineers to perform the services required for the Sewer Asset Management Plan.
  • Ms. Hanson said there was a new opinion on the town gym floor from Matthew Danaher of Danaher Floor Restoration, Inc. He recommends the town do what is considered best practice, which is buff and coat every year and sand to bare wood every 15 years. He will summarize the recommendation in writing but will not guarantee how long the sanding will last.  
  • Ms. Hanson said that Park and Recreation Director Celeste Lunetta would like to preserve the Peace Bridge. The Select Board will study this further.
  • Mr. Robertson attended the Selectmen’s Advisory Committee meeting. The majority of the meeting dealt with the education lawsuit brought by ConVal and Winchester School Districts.
  • Mr. Robertson noted that State Reps will be attending the Lions Club meeting on April 16th. All are invited.
  • Mr. Genest said that in the future he would like to review legislation that deals with the NH Retirement State contributions that was decreased in the past years.
  • Mr. Robertson said the Planning Board meeting had a public hearing regarding trimming trees on scenic roads. He said they will look at trees on scenic roads that need to be cut down and will address that in the future. Mr. Edwards and Mr. Genest would like the planning board to review the subdivision regulations to see if they should be updated. Mr. Edwards will summarize planning board issues for discussion at the next select board meeting.
  • Town Administrator Update
  • Ms. Hanson said the Historical Society would like to have a page on the town website. She said it would not cost the town more for the Historical Society to have a page on the site. They will maintain the page and have access to that page only.
  • TriTown meeting will take place on Wednesday in Bennington. There was discussion regarding Francestown taking more than the allowed 20%.
  • Other Business
  • Mr. Edwards wants to evaluate the recycling fees for the future.
  • Mr. Edwards asked Ms. Hanson about an energy audit. She will discuss this with Matt Miller.
  • Mr. Edwards asked if it was possible to run a hypothetical using the House Bill 700 formula to see the Eversourse abatement impact on the town.
  • Non-Public
  • Mr. Edwards moved to go into Non-Public Session under NH RSA 91-A:3 II (c) Tax Assistance. Mr. Genest seconded. Roll call vote. Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Edwards would like to change the Elderly Exemption application so the applicants need to state why they do not have to file a tax return.
A vote was taken in non-public to seal the minutes.
Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 PM; Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Hanson, Town Administrator