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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 03/25/2019

                                TOWN OF ANTRIM
Select Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 25, 2019
7:00 pm Town Hall

Board Members Present: Robert L. Edwards, Chair; Michael Genest, Selectman; John Robertson, Selectman
Staff Present: Donna Hanson, Town Administrator; Jim Plourde, Road Agent
Others Present: Michael Redman, Cub Scout; Teri Hardwick, H & H Realty; Chuck Sargent, Fireball Realty

Agenda Items:
  • Approval of Minutes – Public
Mr. Robertson moved to accept the meeting minutes of March 11, 2019 as printed.  Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Approval of Minutes – Non-Public
Mr. Genest moved to accept the minutes of March 11, 2019 as printed. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Eagle Scout Project Proposal
Mr. Redman introduced his proposal to build a gaga pit at Memorial Park. Mr. Robertson moved to consent to the project. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0.  Select Board project approval will be provided upon completion and inspection of the project. The Cub Scout organization will provide a certificate of insurance to the Town of Antrim.
  • Mulhall Farm Road
Ms. Hardwick and Mr. Sargent continued the discussion from the February 25th Select Board meeting regarding the town accepting the road. Mr. Sargent said when he purchased the property, he thought the road would become a town road. He has built four houses in the community and he thinks there is a public need for the town to accept the road now. He cited RSA 674:41 that the town should not have issued a building permit on any roads that are not Class V roads without a liability waiver registered at the Registry of Deeds. There was discussion regarding who owns the road. Ms. Hardwick asked what the criteria was for the town to accept the road. Mr. Sargent stated that if it was a percentage of homes being built that it wouldn’t be fair to him because he doesn’t own all the lots. Mr. Edwards said that he thinks it goes back to the public need. He thinks there should be at least 15 homes before it would be a public need. Thus far he doesn’t feel there is anything that creates a public interest justifying shifting the maintenance to the town. He said they don’t have access problems or school bus pick up problems. He stated that something the town looks at is the equitable balance between the residents living out there and those in the town. The cost of maintenance will be spread to everyone in the town not just the residents on Mulhall Road. Eventually, you will get to a point where there is a greater balance and the town tax payers take over the expense of maintaining the road. Mr. Sargent said the whole subdivision from the beginning was done with the intent the road would be dedicated to the town. Mr. Genest said he doesn’t disagree that the intent was for this road to become a town road eventually and he remembers discussion that they would look at it again when it was at least 50% built out. Mr. Edwards asked Mr. Sargent why he didn’t think he was responsible for plowing the road. He said he didn’t buy the road. Mr. Edwards thought he did buy access to the road. Mr. Sargent disagreed. He said he thought that since the town had not done their due diligence by having a road maintenance agreement or a liability waiver, the town has accepted the road. Mr. Edwards said he would want to see more than 20% built out before the town accepts its. Mr. Genest said he stated in past meetings that it should be 50% before it goes to town meeting for a vote of acceptance. That would be the time to file a petition and bring it to Town Meeting. Mr. Sargent asked what would happen if he decided not to plow the road anymore. Mr. Edwards asked if he felt an obligation to plow the road for the residents he sold houses to. He said he does to a point. He said if there is enough revenue into the tax base, they should have their road plowed. If the concern is that the road will be damaged when construction takes place on the lots yet to be built upon, then a road bond could take care of that. Mr. Edwards is also of the opinion that the road needs to be inspected because eight years have passed since the road was built. Mr. Plourde said it is a nine-year-old road and it does need maintenance. Ms. Hardwick said she would expect the road to be inspected. Mr. Edwards said we can all agree the road needs to be inspected either by the road agent or an engineer if the road agent feels that is necessary. Mr. Edwards said that in 2011 it was determined that there wasn’t a public need. Mr. Sargent said providing a road bond when pulling a building permit would be the way to protect the road. He also questioned again who owned the road. Mr. Robertson said the owners are the abutters. The Town has an easement to take care of the road, but they don’t own it. Mr. Edwards disagreed and said the town does own roads. Mr. Edwards asked if the town takes the road who will give us the deed. Mr. Robertson said you don’t get a deed to a road you get an easement. Mr. Edwards didn’t agree with this but respects everyone’s opinion. Mr. Genest said he thinks that expectations were that within 3 or 4 years the subdivision would be built out and it would become a town road but eight years later there are only four houses built. More research will be done and another meeting will take place within the month.
  •  Solar Exemption and All Veterans Tax Credit
Mr. Genest moved to approve the Solar Exemptions and the All Veterans Tax Credit. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Final Payment for Highland Avenue/Pleasant Street Project
Mr. Robertson moved to approve the final payment to Holden Engineers, LLC regarding Highland Ave/Pleasant Street contingent on receiving a corrected change order. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Gregg Lake Dam Extension
Mr. Genest moved to move forward to ask the State of New Hampshire for an extension. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Select Board Reorganization
  • Select Board Chair – John Robertson
  • Planning Board – John Robertson
  • Alternate to Planning Board – Bob Edwards
  • Selectman’s Advisory Board – John Robertson
  • Water & Sewer – Bob Edwards
  • Capital Improvement Committee – Bob Edwards
Mr. Genest moved to accept all nominees stated above. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
If anyone is unable to attend a meeting, they will ask another member to go in their place.
Town Administrator Update
  • Ms. Hanson said TransAlta invited one of the Select Board members to visit their facilities in Alberta Canada at the expense of TransAlta. Mr. Edwards and Mr. Genest expressed an interest in going. Mr. Genest felt he has been a Select Board member and supported this project since the inception. Mr. Genest moved to have Mr. Genest go on the trip. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 2/1
  • Ms. Hanson said the police cruiser trade in was $3,000.00.
  • Mr. Kenworthy called and said they would still be doing some minor blasting at the Wind Farm.
  • Mr. Ben Pratt donated $1,000.00 in kind to the town. A thank you card will be signed.  
  • Other Business
  • Mr. Edwards would like to discuss future initiatives for the town at the next meeting.
  • Mr. Genest asked Ms. Hanson to send a letter to the State of New Hampshire to paint the side lines and crosswalks due to the detour of the trucks because of the bridge work in Stoddard.
  • Non-Public
  • Mr. Genest moved to go into Non-Public Session under NH RSA 91-A:3  b & e. Mr. Robertson seconded. Roll call vote. Passed 3/0
  • A vote was taken in non-public to seal the minutes except NH RSA 91 A:3 b.
  • Hire
The Select Board voted in non-public to hire Matthew Fox for the highway department.
  • Adjourn
Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM; Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Hanson, Town Administrator