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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 02/28/2019
                                TOWN OF ANTRIM
Select Board Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 28, 2019
4:00 pm Town Hall

Board Members Present: Robert L. Edwards, Chairman; Michael Genest, Selectman; John Robertson, Selectman
Staff Present: Donna Hanson, Town Administrator

  • Non-Public
Mr. Genest moved to go into Non-Public Session under NH RSA 91-A:3  a & e. Mr. Robertson seconded. Roll call vote. Passed 3/0
A vote was taken in non-public to seal the minutes.
Other Business:
  • Land Use Change Tax
Mr. Edwards disagrees with Commerford, Nieder and Perkins LLC assessor John Hatfield’s assessment of Mulhall Farm lots that are coming out of Current Use, as discussed at the January 23, 2019 Select Board meeting. Mr. Edwards suggested the town hire an appraiser for a second opinion. Mr. Edwards said money is being left on the table by using Mr. Hatfield’s assessment of $24,000 for the lots. Mr. Robertson moved to accept Mr. Hatfield’s assessment of the properties. Mr. Genest seconded. Mr. Edwards opposed. Passed 2/1.
  • Solar Exemption
There was discussion regarding whether the Select Board will speak at town meeting about the Solar Exemption warrant article. Mr. Edwards will summarize the facts pertaining to the Solar Exemption for further discussion at the next Select Board meeting.
  • Adjournment
Mr. Edwards moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:07 PM. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Hanson, Town Administrator