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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 02/25/2019

                                TOWN OF ANTRIM
Select Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 25, 2019
7:00 pm Town Hall

Board Members Present: Robert L. Edwards, Chair; Michael Genest, Selectman; John Robertson, Selectman
Staff Present: Donna Hanson, Town Administrator; Jim Plourde, Road Agent; Diane Chauncey, Tax Collector
Others Present: Teri Hardwick, Hardwick & Sons, Inc.; Janet McEwen, Planning Board; Neil Pattison, Fire Department

Agenda Items:
  • Approval of Minutes – Public
Mr. Robertson moved to accept the meeting minutes as printed from January 14, 23, 24, 28, February 08, 11, 2019.  Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Approval of Minutes – Non-Public
Mr. Genest moved to accept the minutes as printed from January 22, 24, February 08, 2019. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Mulhall Farm Road
Mr. Edwards said the purpose of meeting tonight was to hear what Ms. Teri Hardwick of Hardwick & Sons, Inc. has to say regarding Town acceptance of Mulhall Farm Road and that there will most likely be a second meeting. Ms. Hardwick stated that she thought everyone was in agreement in 2011 that the road was complete. She said the Planning Board recommended that the road be approved and the Selectmen said there was no public necessity to accept the road at that time and that the subdivision would need to be at least 50% developed in order for the Select Board to accept it.  Ms. Hardwick said they didn’t think anything needed to be developed for the Board to accept the road.  Ms. Hardwick stated that she wrote letters on occasion to ask about the road being accepted and was told there was concern that the road could be damaged by heavy trucks during development. Ms. Hardwick said it was a big investment for the road to be built the way it was because they always thought it would become a town road. Mr. Genest stated that it was built to class V standards.  The Select Board stated that the road was built to subdivision road standards at that time. Ms. Hardwick also said it is recorded in the deeds of each property that the town has an easement to maintain the drainage. Mr. Plourde said that was done with the anticipation that the road would be accepted by the town at some point.

Mr. Edwards asked Ms. Hardwick who owns the road.  Ms. Hardwick thinks H & H owns it but it is not clear since one of the subdivision’s original owners was Terry Schnare. Mr. Chuck Sargent now owns those lots. Mr. Edwards said that in his research he did not find anything that indicated the road had been dedicated to the town.
Mr. Edwards said the Select Board considers the public need. Ms. Hardwick thought the public need is clear since someone is living there. Mr. Edwards stated that about 19% of the properties have been sold. H & H owns 10 of the lots and has not yet sold any. Mr. Sargent and Ms. Hardwick have maintained the road and fire pond knowing that it would become a town road. She said it was a million dollar road build and they did that knowing it would be a town road.
Ms. Hardwick feels accepting the road is just a formality at this point. Mr. Edwards stated that it had been about 8 years since        it was last paved. Ms. Hardwick said she believed it was 2010 when it was last paved.
Mr. Robertson has sympathy for Teri and the company and the residents that are living there. If emergency vehicles are unable to get there, it could be a liability. Emergency access is a public need. He agrees the road is well built. Regardless, over 9 or 10 years pavement tends to deteriorate.  
Mr. Edwards said that there does seem to be some deterioration after 8 years of exposure and it needs to be inspected. Mr. Plourde said he was out there and viewed the road.
Mr. Genest said he thought a previous Board wanted it to be at least 50% developed but that wasn’t a golden rule. Mr. Edwards is concerned with wear and tear on the road with 80% of development remaining. Ms. Hardwick asked if the current residents were generating enough tax revenue to pay for road maintenance. Mr. Edwards said that he was concerned with having to fix a private road with other taxpayers’ payments if it is damaged during development. In other towns there is an inspection done once substantial construction is complete. If there are any repairs to be done, they are completed before the town accepts the road. We want a fair and equitable assessment of the road because it should be in its 2011 condition and needs to be inspected to determine if it is.
Ms. Hardwick asked why the town owns easements on a private road. Mr. Plourde said those were required for subdivision approval in anticipation of the town taking over one day.
Mr. Genest informed Ms. Hardwick that bringing forth a petitioned warrant article is also an option for her.

Ms. Hardwick asked if the BOS thought having a fire pond there was a public need. Mr. Genest reminded her that the fire pond was a requirement to build the subdivision.
Ms. Hardwick said Mr. Sargent is prepared to stop plowing and see what happens.
Mr. Edwards asked if Mr. Sargent is giving up the plowing. Ms. Hardwick said she didn’t know, he may have said that out of frustration.  
Mr. Edwards asked what was represented to the property owners that have bought there. She thinks Mr. Sargent said it was a private road awaiting approval by the town.
Ms. Hardwick will forward any information that might be helpful to assess the road further to Ms. Hanson. Ms. Hanson asked Ms. Hardwick to also forward the correspondence referencing the 50% development.
  • Highway Department
Mr. Plourde said the Elm Street Bridge replacement has been postponed to April 1st. He wants to wait for better weather so there are no issues regarding maintenance of the driveway on the property affected by the bridge closing. The Craig Road bridge replacement will be done now. Notice of the Craig Road Bridge closing has been posted.
The 805 truck is back in service and in great condition.
Mr. Plourde said there have been 25 weather events in 2019.
Mr. Plourde is waiting on pricing for the paving that needs to be done in 2019.
  • Highland Ave/Pleasant Street Grant Funds
Water & Sewer department superintendent Matt Miller requested project specific tools.  Mr. Plourde said he would be able to also use some of the tools for the highway department. Ms. Hanson will submit this to Rural Development for approval.
Mr. Plourde said basins on Highland Avenue are getting caught while plowing. Ms. Hanson will contact Peter Holden to discuss a cure for this problem. There is also a cracked basin that should be replaced.
  • Tax Collector
Ms. Chauncey reported that courtesy notices were sent out in February for past due 2018 property taxes. Repurchase letters were also sent out for properties that the town has taken due to nonpayment of taxes.  There will be an auction in the spring for all properties that do not get repurchased.
  • Street Name approval for 911
Mr. Genest moved to name a private road off of Brimstone Corner Road, Valeriani Road. The name change affects Lots 1, 6, and 7. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Veterans Tax Credit Approval
Mr. Robertson moved to approve the All Veterans Tax Credit application. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Town Administrator Update
Ms. Hanson updated the Board on the complaint received about the cell tower on Pierce Lake Road. More information from the Planning Board is needed.
DES requires mandatory lead paint testing in all schools and daycare facilities for the next 5 years. Mr. Miller is doing the testing for the Grapevine.
Attorney Richardson is seeking clarification on the last the Site Evaluation Committee order that there would be one TransAlta employee on site. The certificate states two employees should be on site.
  • Weekend Ambulance Schedule
Mr. Genest asked for clarification on the process for weekend ambulance duty sign up. Mr. Pattison from the fire department explained how Google Docs works for the sign up. The deadline to sign up is by the prior week on Friday.
  • Update on Meetings Attended
Mr. Genest attended the Park & Rec Meeting. Minutes can be found at
Mr. Genest, Ms. Hanson and Mr. Plourde met to discuss Swap Shop/Transfer Station policies. Those will be forwarded to the Board when complete.
Mr. Robertson attended the Selectmen Advisory Committee meeting. Minutes can be found at
  • Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 PM; Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Hanson, Town Administrator