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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 12/03/2018
Monday, December 3, 2018
7:00 pm Town Hall

Present: Robert L Edwards, Chair; Mike Genest, Selectmen; John Robertson, Selectmen
Staff: Diane M Chauncey, Town Clerk/Tax Collector
Attendees: Ron Haggett, Capital Improvement Program (CIP); Ashley Brudnick-Destromp, Planning Department Staff; Bob Holmes, Planning Board Member and CIP: Steve MacDonald, Planning Board Alternate and CIP; Marshall Gale, Fire Chief/Ambulance

  • Approval of Minutes – Public – November 19, 2018  Mr. Robertson moved to accept the minutes as amended; Mr. Genest seconded. The Board of Selectmen (BOS) voted to approve. Passed 3/0
Approval of Minutes Non-Public - November 19, 2018 Mr. Robertson moved to accept the minutes as amended; Mr. Genest seconded. The Board of Selectmen (BOS) voted to approve. Passed 3/0
  • Capital Improvement Program (CIP) – Presented by Ron Haggett
Ron Haggett presented the CIP spreadsheets and Final Report on the 2019 CIP as written up by Carol Ogilvie. Planning Consultant for the Town of Antrim. The Report was written in conjunction with CIP Members ( Robert L Edwards, Ex-Officio, Ron Haggett, Chair, Bob Holmes, Steve MacDonald, Victor Rosansky and Ashley Brudnick-Destromp, Staff). Mr. Haggett explained that the CIP approached the Program al little differently by meeting with Department Heads at their facilities. Mr. Haggett felt that the CIP received a better perspective of the Department needs and felt that the CIP received additional information that may not have been received if he meeting were held in the Town. Hall. Mr. Haggett gave several examples of future costly expenditures (Water & Sewer – the sewage lagoons my become outdated: Highway Department  – the facility needs an upgrade to accommodate female employees and a wash bay to better maintain the Town trucks). Mr. Haggett stated that in order for the BOS  to prepare for future costs, the Capital Reserve Program should be properly funded. Mr. Haggett asked for questions from the BOS.
Mr. Robertson stated that good insight better prepares the BOS for future needs and that the numbers needed to be adjusted to fit the Budgetary Plan.
Mr. Haggett commended Ms. Ogilvie on a good summary.
Chair Edwards questioned the status of the Slaughterhouse Barn Bridge; Mr. Genest questioned the status of Liberty Farm Road Bridge.
Mr. Genest questioned the $182,000 to the Fire Department and did that include the $60,000 (for what- DMC asks???)
A discussion continued concerning the allotment of the Capital Reserve Funds to the various departments.
There was a short discussion concerning the Parks & Recreation focus for the next 6 years. The gym floor should be replaced in 2029, but has had repairs to correct the moisture problem.  The Parks & Recreation Commission and the BOS continue to work with the School District and conflicting issues. The Park & Recreation Commission would like to upgrade Memorial Park and continue to explore possibilities. Mr. Haggett stated  Richardson Trust questions had been satisfied and clarified its use for  summer programs
Chair Edwards thanked the CIP for attending the BOS meeting and presenting its program. Chair Edwards  will take the CIP report and use it during the Budget.
  • Preliminary Budget Review
  • Employee Benefits – discussed November 19, 2018
  • Health Agencies – Monetary requests for charitable contributions from the Town of Antrim have been submitted. Ms. Hanson had provided a spreadsheet with explanation.
  • Ambulance – Mr. Gale returned to the BOS to present the Ambulance budget. Fire Chief Gale is proposing to develop a program during the Crotched Mountain Ski Area season that will better accommodate the Mountain needs. Two Ambulance members would be on call for 12-hour shifts. They would be paid for their hourly “on call” and to be paid additionally if a response is necessary. The Ambulance Program is sometimes stretched thin – especially during the “Midnight Madness Events”.   Mr. Genest stated his concern that the Rescue Squad would not be available for a resident who falls down the stairs and the Ambulance is “on the Hill”. Mr. Genest requested better numbers for the December 17 BOS meeting. Chair Edwards stated that the Town should be a priority. Mr. Robertson questioned money that Crotched Mountain should be contributing. Fire Chief Gale added that Bennington can respond to a Rescue but cannot transport. Gale stated that the Mountain contributes a gift to the Town of Bennington at the end of the Ski Season. The discussion continued. Gale said that he would ask how the Town of Henniker handled their Ambulance role at Pats Peak.
  • Update on meetings attended by Board of Selectmen
Water & Sewer – Cahir Edwards stated that the Department of Environmental Services (DES) will come to the Town on January 3, 2019.  The Asset Management plan as completed by the Dufresne Group which has developed  rate analysis, operating and maintenance policy, set up for drilling  of the well,  soil analysis .
Selectmen’s Advisor Committee (SAC) Mr. Robertson attended. The meeting concerned the upcoming School Budget.
  • Update on Mulhall Farm Rd – Next steps with Planning Board 12/6/2018 – There was a short discussion of the Planning Board meeting which will discuss the Mulhall Farm Road. The road is a private road with a  22-lot subdivision. There are two owners of the subdivision – Fireball Realty LLC (Chuck Sargent)  and High Homes LLC (Teri Hardwick). The subdivision was developed in 2005 – 2007. The subdivision has sat idle since then. The road was built to Class V specifications but as it was not “built out”, the road remained a Private Road. In 2018, 3 homes were built on the Private Road. Developer, Fireball Realty LLC  and High Homes would like it to become a Class V road maintained by the Town.
  • FEMA Discovery Meeting  - 12/12/2018 – FYI – The BOS determined that Ms. Brudnick-Destromp, as Planning Department Staff should attend the informational meeting.
  • Gregg Lake Dam – Proposal for Professional Engineering Services –  A proposal has been submitted by Quantum.  Chair Edwards questioned a policy for proposals – should it have gone to bid? Mr. Genest stated that he would like to have seen the proposal 4 months ago in order for a Warrant Article to be created. Chair Edwards suggested that the vote to accept the proposal should be conditional - so as not to violate Purchasing Policy. Mr. Genest moved to go forward with the Quantum bid (conditionally); Mr. Robertson seconded. A vote was taken. Passed 3/0
  • Non-Public Session under NH RSA 91-A:3  11c Pending Claims – Mr. Genest moved to enter into a Non-Public Session; Mr. Robertson seconded. A vote was taken Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Genest moved to come out of Non-Public; Mr. Robertson seconded. All voted Passed 3/0
10.   Mr. Genest moved to seal the minutes of the Non-Public meeting; Mr. Robertson seconded. All
           Voted. Passed 3/0

      11.  Other Business:
There was a short discussion concerning the Auction on Saturday , December 1.
There was a short discussion concerning the Highway truck (4-wheel drive International 7400) needed repair. Mr. Genest was insistent that  the insurance issues were to be taken care of as soon as possible. The possibility of a rental truck was discussed. Chair Edwards stated that he would take care of the truck matters.
Mr. Genest moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:13 PM; Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0

Respectfully submitted, Diane M Chauncey

Town clerk/Tax Collector