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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 10/23/2018
  Town of Antrim–Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
Little Town Hall
October 23, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Select Board Chair Robert Edwards in the Little Town Hall.

Members Present: Robert Edwards, John Robertson
Members Absent: Michael Genest
Staff Present: Donna Hanson, Town Administrator; Chief Lester, Police; Ashlee Brudnick-Destromp, Planning; Celeste Lunetta; Park & Recreation; Dario Carrara, Building Inspector; Ron Haggett, Library Trustee; Cindy Jewett, Librarian; Shelly Connolly, Library Trustee
Others Present: Kimberly Saunders, School Superintendent; Crista Salamy, School Board Rep, Richard Cahoon, School Board Rep;  Dave Jack, Interim Business Manager

Agenda Items:
  • Mr. Robertson moved to approve the minutes of October 9, 2019. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 2/0
  • Ms. Saunders explained that our equalized value was up about $500,000 which represents an increase in our apportionment. We will lose approximately $85,000 in education and adequacy grants. Mr. Jack said most of the towns are losing on these grants because there is not as much coming from the State of NH. ADM is down about 15%. When you lose students you lose revenue of some sort. Ms. Saunders explained that this is also expenditure driven. They have been trying to hold the line on the budget for so long that there are now things that need to be done that can’t be put off another year. The teachers felt they didn’t have competitive salary/benefits. Mr. Edwards asked if the decrease in State and Federal funding contributed to the higher expenditures. Ms. Saunders said the State has never increased the adequacy funding. In addition the Federal government passed the Individuals with Disabilities~Education~Act (IDEA) in 1975 and said they would help fund the State’s costs for the program. However, the Federal Government has never funded more than 16% of their obligation. Ms. Saunders said if you look at the big picture over the last 20 years the burden has fallen on the local tax payer particularly in New Hampshire because of the way we fund public education. Mr. Edwards asked if Ms. Saunders could explain any initiatives on closing some schools. Ms. Saunders said they are looking at the funding formula to see if it is as fair as it could be. Different options are being explored.
  • Preliminary Budgets were reviewed for:
  • 4191 Planning / Zoning
  • 4520 Parks & Recreation
  • 4550 Library
  • 4611 Conservation
  • 4130 Town Officials
  • 4241 Building Inspection
  • 4154 Prosecution
  • 4210 Police
  • Mr. Robertson moved to go into Non-Public ~91-A:3 b) The hiring of any person as a public employee.~Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 2/0
  • Mr. Edwards moved to enter into a contract with Constellation at an energy rate of $0.08520 for 36 months. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 2/0
  • Mr. Edwards moved to adjourn. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 2/0 Meeting adjourned at 9:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Donna Hanson, Town Administrator