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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 07/16/2018
                        Town of Antrim–Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
Little Town Hall
July 16, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Selectman Chair Robert Edwards in the Little Town Hall.

Members Present: Michael Genest, Robert Edwards, John Robertson
Staff Present: Town Clerk, Diane Chauncey
Public Attendees:  Walden Green Energy – Jack Kenworthy, Henry Weitzner; TransAlta  Mark MacKay, Bryan Mony, Kelly Wist; Reed & Reed – Dustin Litchfield, Art Cavanaugh, Lance York; Sargent Corp(Civil Subcontractors) – Kevin Burns, Sean Arlgan; Eversource – Sarah Hurdlet.

Agenda Items:
  • Mr. Genest moved to approve the Board of Selectmen Minutes of June 18, 2018. Mr. Edwards seconded. Mr. Robertson abstained. Passed 2/0.
  • Mr. Robertson moved to approve the Board of Selectmen Minutes of July 2, 2018. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0.
  • 3.  Antrim Wind Energy (AWE) Information Meeting – Trans Alta’s introduction – Mr. Edwards began the Antrim Wind/Walden informational meeting by establishing the procedure. He stated that the meeting concerned two items 1. the construction schedule and 2. the introduction of Trans Alta (Energy Company in the process of buying the Antrim Wind Project from Walden). Questions from the Selectmen and then the audience would follow the presentations.
  • Mr. Kenworthy began by introducing the representatives from the companies (listed above) participating in the project. He displayed a 2’ x 5’ graphic of the project which depicted the roads and placement of the turbines.  He explained that the project to date was on schedule. A timber cut in which the trees had been harvested but not yet removed from the project area. had been completed within the established time frame in order to protect nesting birds and bats.
  • Reed & Reed used the same 2’ x 5’ graphic to explain the progress of the project. He stated that activity would begin on Route 9 with much activity, but as the project progresses, the activity  will “disappear”. Traffic should not be affected. The Office Complex will be situated on 414 Keene Rd. A full safety program will be in effect. Activity should start in next few weeks. Foundations for the turbines will go in this Fall and the turbines will arrive late May 2019.
  • Sargent Corp – Drilling and Blasting will be done over a 3 month period. The excavated rock will be processed and used in the road construction.
  • Mr. Kenworthy said that the construction should be completed at the end of August 2019. The present owner, Walden Green Energy will be filing an application with the SEC to transfer the ownership to Trans Alta (a Canadian Energy Company).

  • There were some questions from the audience (answers in italics):
  • Time frame for the blasting?  August – October
  • Start date for civil construction? A Notice to Proceed to Reed & Reed on July 23, 2018 will be sent to Town and the 1st PILOT payment will be paid within 30 days of that date.
  • Will the Police Department and Fire Department be notified for blasting times? Yes. Notification will be made up to one hour ahead of the blasting.  A DES approved blasting plan which is consistent with Best Management Practices. The Town has a copy of the Blasting Plan.
  • Are all subcontractors aware of the requirements? Yes
  • Will there be signage and traffic control (bodies) when large equipment enters and exits area? Yes
  • Will birds and bats be affected by the drilling and blasting? All best management practices (BMPs) have been adhered to.
  • What is the schedule for the SEC application? A joint petition will be filed. A schedule cannot be predicted.

  • Mr. Weitzner (Walden) stated that the Walden Green Energy Company has agreed to sell Antrim Wind Energy Project to Trans Alta. Approval of SEC is necessary.  Walden will start the construction and will manage the construction project, keeping Trans Alta informed. The transition should be seamless.   Kelly Wist and Bryan Mony were introduced
  • Mr. Wist (Trans Alta) stated that he has enjoyed his visit to Antrim. He went on to tell some of the history of the Trans Alta Company which has been in the power business for over 100 years. The company began in Calgary, Alberta and has gone on to become a multi-national company with operations in Canada as well as  the United States and Australia.  Although, the company is multi-national, it believes in strong community support. Trans Alta is currently undergoing a major transition, moving from a coal based company to cleaner fuels. Mr. Wist also stated the company’s strong financial situation.
  • Mr. Edwards stated that he would like to review the application.
  • There were further questions from the audience (answers in italics):
  • If the application to the SEC were denied, what would be the status of the project? The status would remain the same.
  • How will property owners in the area of the Project be compensated for devalued homes? Mr. Edwards stated that the question was inappropriate as the matter had been discussed in the SEC meetings.
  • Have there been any major changes to the Construction Schedule? No
  • Have there been any changes to the documents that have been submitted to the Town? All updates have been submitted to the Town.
  • Does TransAlta have all the same documents as the Town? Trans Alta has all the documents including the 4 important agreements: Town Agreement, PILOT agreement, Gregg Lake Agreement, and the Scholarship Agreement.
  • Mr. Edwards stated that there will be another Public Meeting to review the application to the SEC.
  • With no further questions, Mr. Edwards thanked everyone for their attendance.
  • 4. Veteran’s Tax Credit Applications – Two applications were reviewed for Regular Veterans Credit of $500 each starting with the 2019 Tax Year. Mr. Robertson moved to approve the applications; Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0.
  • 5.  Update on meetings attended by Board of Selectmen – Mr. Genest had attended a Parks & Rec meeting concerning the gym floor. He is creating a time line of concerning the gym floor. Mr. Edwards announced an upcoming Asset Management meeting in the Town of Bennington on July 18 at 10 AM.
  • 6.  Other Business:
  • Notice of Award for Bridge #173/075 West Street over Great Brook to Cold River Bridges was reviewed. Signatures needed. Mr. Robertson moved to sign the Notice of Award; Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Contract Acceptance for Construction Engineering Bridge # 173/075 West Street over Great Brook. Signatures needed. Mr. Robertson moved to sign the Contract; Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Planning Board Minute Taker   Kristen Bixby’s last day will be July 26, 208. As assistant to the Land Use Boards, Ms. Bixby took the Meeting Minutes. It was suggested that one of the board members become interim scribe and possibly to be paid a stipend. The Board of Selectmen concurred that the Planning board should make the decision and make recommendation.
  • Safety Day Active shooter training will be held at the Police Station and Town Hall on July 26th from 2 – 5 PM. All employees should attend. The training will be presented by Chief Scott Lester and Officer John Giffin.
Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn at 8:05 PM; Mr. Genest seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Diane M Chauncey, Town Clerk/Tax Collector