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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 07/02/2018
                        Town of Antrim–Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
Little Town Hall
July 2, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Selectman Robert Edwards in the Little Town Hall.

Members Present: Michael Genest, Robert Edwards, John Robertson
Staff Present: Town Administrator, Donna Hanson

Agenda Items:
  • Mr. Robertson moved to approve the minutes of June 5, 12, 25, 2018. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0.
  • On the recommendation of 911 Mr. Genest moved to readdress 4 Whitney Road to 4 Field Road. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
  • The Oil/Propane bids were:
  • Company                         Oil                             Propane
  • Discount Oil/L&G Propane                2.489                           1.429                   
  • Dead River (Vermont)            2.5019                          1.6410
  • Allen & Mathewson               2.589                           1.529
  • Irving                                  2.657                           1.666
  • Rymes                           2.819                           2.139
Mr. Genest moved to accept the bid of Discount Oil/L&G Propane. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Robertson moved to deny the tax abatement request of Eversource. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0. Mr. Genest moved to deny the tax abatement of Jennifer Cyr. Mr. Robertson seconded. Passed 3/0
  • The NH Municipal policy recommendations will be reviewed by the Select Board. Mr. Edwards will work on a floor proposal to possibly submit to the committee.
  • Mr. Robertson reported that at the Selectmen Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting Mr. Myron Steere told the SAC members that he had a list of things to report on the Antrim Gym and Shea Fields agreements and he wanted to know what the SAC members thought of it. Mr. Robertson said we approved the agreements but they were never signed by the school board. Mr. Pierce Rigrod from Hancock asked why the subject was never brought up at a school board meeting. Mr. Steere said they haven’t brought anything to the school board to be discussed. Mr. Robertson said that is exactly my point. Mr. Robertson pointed out that we were in the process of scheduling a meeting with the floor vendor and that he should attend.
  • Mr. Edwards attended the Water & Sewer meeting. Minutes can be found at He said there will be another meeting for asset management on July 9th at 10:00 am.
  • Mr. Genest asked that the other Select Board members make a list of all committees they are on.
  • Ms. Hanson reported that the ConVal School Payment has increased substantially. The estimated cost to the Town will be $4,053,821 compared to $3,371,053 last year. The anticipated tax increase will be $2.80 on the school portion of the tax rate.
  • Mr. Robertson moved to close the meeting. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0.
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Donna Hanson, Town Administrator