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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 06/18/2018
                                Town of Antrim–Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
Little Town Hall
June 18, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Selectman Robert Edwards in the Little Town Hall.

Members Present: Michael Genest, Robert Edwards
Staff Present: Town Administrator, Donna Hanson
Absent: John Robertson

Agenda Items:
  • Mr. Genest moved to approve the minutes of June 4, 2018. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 2/0.
  • Mr. Genest moved to approve the non-public minutes of June 4, 2018. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 2/0.
  • Ms. Beth Merril of the Grange applied to use the Town Hall for their summer fund raiser and asked the Select Board to waive the fee. Mr. Genest moved to waive the fee. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 2/0.
  • Mr. Genest moved to approve the All Veterans Tax Credit Application contingent on proof of an honorable discharge. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 2/0.
  • No other meetings were attended by the Select Board.
  • Mr. Edwards stated that we sent a letter to the School Board requesting that they share in the cost of sanding of the gym floor that will take place in August. Mr. Jim Fredrickson from the ConVal School Board said he was asked by School Board Chairman Myron Steere to address some of the open issues with the gym agreement. Mr. Fredrickson said there was disagreement in the maintenance of the floor so he would like to see all parties get together to discuss this. He said they were not adamantly opposed to moving forward but he would like to discuss it. He would also like to discuss the sharing of the cost for the gym and shea field. He prepared a handout of the cost which is attached. He said that ConVal picks up most of the cost of the gym. And by his calculation the use by the school is more like 25% and not 50%. Mr. Fredrickson said Mr. Steere said by his calculation it was 16%. Mr. Fredrickson said his point was that the school’s usage was well below 50%. Mr. Genest disagreed with his calculations. Mr. Fredrickson said he would like to meet to discuss cost sharing and the agreements. Mr. Genest asked how many times we need to go over this. Signing the agreements have been stalled for years. Mr. Fredreicson said the cost sharing would have to be an estimate. Mr. Edwards stated that they could also put in meters and then we would know the cost. Mr. Fredrickson said they would like to avoid the cost of that. He also said there should be a discussion with everyone on the gym floor. Mr. Genest said the Select Board has already decided to move forward on the floor. He said there have been many discussions in the past on the drainage that was done 7 years ago to try and mitigate the moisture issue. The floor readings were dry last year and as soon as the drainage is improved on the side of the building the sanding will be done. We have a building with a floor that needs to be fixed and that is what we are trying to do. Mr. Fredrickson said the decision the Select Board made requires approval by the School Board according to the agreement. Mr. Edwards asked if they were willing to share the cost of the floor. Mr. Fredrickson said they are willing to share in the cost of the floor and the Town share in the cost of utilities once everyone comes together to discuss what should be done with the floor. Mr. Genest suggested they come to the Select Board meeting on July 2, 2018. Mr. Edwards said there is a sense of urgency because we have already decided to go through with the floor. Mr. Genest asked when this was discussed at a School Board meeting. Mr. Fredrickson said that it might have been June 15, 2018 that they discussed the letter that was sent saying the Select Board would be doing the floor. Mr. Genest was confused as to why Mr. Fredrickson never went back to discuss anything in a public meeting after he met with the Parks and Rec Commissioners. There was discussion on the interpretation of what Vince from NE Flooring said would happen when the floor was sanded. Mr. Genest said we all understand it is a failed floor and the Select Board hopes that the sanding will buy us time until we can afford a new floor. Road Agent Jim Plourde described what he will be doing to fix the moisture on the side of the building. Mr. Fredrickson and Mr. Grossi agreed to attend the July 2, 2018 Select Board meeting to discuss the sanding of the gym floor.   
  • Mr. Genest moved to go into Non-Public 91-A:3 II. (b) Hiring of any person as a public employee. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 2/0.
  • Mr. Genest moved to hire all request from the Park and Rec Director. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 2/0.
  • Mr. Genest moved to re-appoint Isaac Lombard to the Park and Rec commission for a three year term. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 2/0.
  • Mr. Genest said he had a complaint from a resident on the expiration terms on some of the elected officials on the website. Ms. Hanson said she will look into it.
  • The Shook property will be corrected so that there will be two tax bills but the plan will remain the same.
  • Ms. Hanson informed the Select Board that both abatements were denied by the Assessors.
  • Ms. Hanson will be away from July 5th to July 17th for a funeral.
  • Mr. Genest moved to close the meeting. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 2/0.

Respectfully submitted, Donna Hanson, Town Administrator