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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/11/2017
Town of Antrim–Board of Selectmen
Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Selectman Michael Genest in the Little Town Hall.

Members Present: John Robertson, Michael Genest, Robert Edwards
Staff Present: Town Administrator, Donna Hanson

Agenda Items:
  • Mr. Robertson moved to approve the minutes of August 28, 2017.  Mr. Edwards seconded.  Passed 3/0.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stephens from White Birch Point asked what the procedure was to have their summer only maintained road also maintained in the winter. Mr. Genest said they could submit a petition warrant article that would be voted on at town meeting or they could petition the Selectmen to have a public hearing. Mr. Genest stated that he thinks a decision like this should go before the residents to vote. Mr. Robertson agreed that a town meeting vote would be the easiest route to take. Mr. Edwards asked if the Selectmen had made the decision to have the road maintained only during the summer or did it go before town meeting. Mr. Genest said that we could look back in the records, but it is irrelevant how the decision was made. He said the point is that it has been summer maintained for as long as most of us can remember. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens will decide what course they want to take. Ms. Hanson said that they should call her to get the details on the procedures for a petition warrant article or to petition the Selectmen.
  • Mr. Genest stated that 911 would not approve renaming Hilton Ave/DeBart Lane off Hilton Avenue because the names were too similar. Mr. Scott Cassie and Ms. Sydney Wilson Smith who both live on that road had several suggestions. Mr. Genest asked if they were ok with the name Acadia Avenue. They both said they were. Mr. Robertson moved to name the street Acadia Avenue contingent on Police Chief Lester, Fire Chief Gale and 911 approvals. Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Mr. Edwards gave a summary of the Water & Sewer meeting he attended. Minutes can be found at
Mr. Genest attended the HOPE committee. The committee is hoping to have an Antrim Police officer attend the meetings in the future.
Mr. Edwards said he spoke to School Board Member Mr. Myron Steere regarding the gym agreement. The agreement was not accepted by the School Board because there was no explanation on the change of time the gym is available to the School District. Mr. Genest stated that there was discussion about this with the school and the Park & Recreation committee but maybe it wasn’t communicated to Mr. Steere. The Park & Rec committee will discuss this at their upcoming meeting.
Other Business:

  • Mr. Schacht submitted a letter from Mr. Edward Valeriani of Brimstone Corner Road, whom he is representing, requesting permission to do work on a Class 6 road (Brimstone Corner Road) that allows them access to their property. Mr. Schacht stated that when there is a lot of rain the road washes out and doesn’t allow them access to their property. The Valeriani family wants permission to fix the road to allow access to their property. Mr. Genest said that he is concerned about allowing ongoing maintenance. They would have to get permission every time they want to do something to the road. Mr. Edwards said they should develop a scope of work so the road agent knows exactly what they are going to do to the road. If it is expected to be an annual repair, to submit a written description so the Board of Selectmen and the road agent know the scope of work. Ms. Hanson will respond to Mr. Valeriani’s letter.
  • Mr. Edwards asked if there was a policy in place to deed properties. Ms. Hanson stated that we follow the RSA’s but there isn’t a specific policy in place. Ms. Hanson stated that as a rule the list goes to the BOS and the BOS decides whether to deed properties. Mr. Edwards said the BOS should have a policy. Mr. Genest said we may not have a written policy but we have been moving forward since last year to do what is in the best interest of the town with deeded properties. Mr. Genest said that we are making progress by getting some people on payment plans. Mr. Edwards didn’t feel that was enough. Mr. Genest said letters have gone out and September 21st is the deadline to request a payment plan. After that date we can decide what properties to deed. Mr. Edwards is interested in having James St. Jean Auctioneers come to a BOS meeting to describe the procedure for auctioning off properties once deeded. Mr. Genest said there is also the question of holding on to the properties for 3 years or selling them immediately. The owner has the right to buy the properties back within a 3 year period.
  • The October BOS meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, October 10, 2017 and Monday October 23, 2017. Ms. Hanson stated she will be on vacation the first week in October.
  • After no further business Mr. Genest moved to adjourn at 8:30 PM. Seconded by Mr. Robertson. Passed 3/0